In Your Lordship's Despatch N
o 111 of the
17th December my
attention was called to the
Duke of Buckingham's Despatch N
o 69
31st August 1868, as one which should have been included
in the Schedule of those unanswered. That
Despatch refers to
the Ordinance N
o 18 of
1867 "to amend the duties of Customs"
and to a Report from the Commissioners of Customs, said to be
therein transmitted, suggesting alterations in sections
four and
eight of the Ordinance.
2. I think there must have been some accidental substitution
of one Report for another in respect of the Enclosure forwarded.
The one received is dated
23rd July 1868,
o 293—and does
not suggest any alterations in sections
four and
It seems to refer to a previous report; and treats principally
of section
seven of which, with the other provisions of the Ordinance
mentioned, the Commissioners appear not to disapprove.
3. But in any case, unless Your Lordship should regard it as
imperatively necessary to do so, I should be unwilling at
present to open
any discussion upon the Customs duties Ordinance
by suggesting amendments to the Council.