No. 17
21st February 1870
My Lord,
I have the honor to forward Printed Copies of the Message with
which I caused the Session of the Legislative Council to be
opened on the
15th instant, and of the Address which has been
presented to me
by by that Honorable body in reply.
2. Your Lordship will observe that the most important subjects
referred to in my Message are the proposed Union of this Colony
with the Dominion of Canada, and the change in the local
Constitution which, having reference to that measure, I stated
it to be my intention to ask for authority to establish
in in
anticipation of it.
3. Upon these questions I shall address Your Lordship separately
in other Despatches, and I trust I shall obtain Your approval of
the course which I propose to pursue as stated in my Message.
That declaration of the policy of the Government appears to give
very general satisfaction in the Colony and I am informed has
silenced some idle discussion upon
"annexation" "annexation" to the United
States which had arisen from the apprehension that Her Majesty's
Government intended to force the Colony into Union with the
Dominion at the instance of Canada and without reference to the
true interests and wishes of the Colonists.
I have the honor to be,
My Lord,
Your most obedient
humble Servant
A. Musgrave
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Herbert
I should say a good sound sensible Speech.
Ackn: receipt.
& approve.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Government Gazette Extraordinary,
22 February 1870, containing
Musgrave's speech opening the
Legislative Council, Council's reply, and
Musgrave's rejoinder.
Other documents included in the file