No. 18
21st February 1870
My Lord,
I have had the honor to receive Your Lordship's Despatch of the
31st December, N
o 113 in which you express your wish that I
should use my own judgment respecting the mode and time of
bringing the question of Union with
Canada before my Council,
and that I should not consider myself bound to bring forward any
formal proposal unless I think that by so doing I shall promote
the acceptance of the Union.
2. My Despatch N
o 17 of this date transmitting the Message
with which I opened the Legislative Session will have acquainted
Your Lordship that I have already brought the question forward;
and will have shewn the mode in which I have done so.
3. I now have the honor to forward Copies of the Resolution
which it is proposed to pass embodying the terms on which this
Colony would be willing to join the Dominion, and I also enclose
a Copy of the Despatch in which I have transmitted the same
papers to
Sir John Young.
4. There is but little that I could at present add
advantage to the observations which I have made in that
Despatch. It now remains to be ascertained to what extent the
Government of Canada can fulfil the expectations of this Colony.
5. As I had anticipated, some of the most prominent agitators
for Confederation are greatly dissatisfied that "Responsible
Government" forms no part of the
proposals which I have brought
forward; but on the other hand an important section of the
Community having much larger interest at stake in its welfare, I
have reason to believe are pleased that so great a change in the
form of the local Government is not regarded as expedient; and
are much reassured by finding that there is no desire to force
Confederation upon the
Community without time being afforded
for consideration.
6. I am sure that the course which has been adopted will not
hinder assent to Union, and indeed I have confidence that it
will be promoted by putting the proposal before the Community in
an intelligible form, and not as a party question.
I have the honor to be,
My Lord,
Your most obedient
humble Servant
A. Musgrave
Minutes by CO staff
Sir F. Rogers
I conclude there is nothing to be done but to wait & see what is
the result of the communication with the
Govt of Canada.
But acknowledge?
See subsequent Govr 32, 4924 April 5, 1870.
Other documents included in the file
Musgrave to
Sir John Young,
20 February 1870, forwarding copies
of his message opening the Legislative session and the
resolution to be introduced "embodying the terms on which it is
recommended that this Colony should propose to join the Dominion
of Canada," with further discussion.
Resolution, no date, "Proposed Terms of Confederation with the
Dominion of Canada" (four printed pages).
Other documents included in the file
People in this document
Blake, Ernest Edward
Cox, Charles
Dealtry, William
Leveson-Gower, Granville George
Monsell, William
Musgrave, Sir Anthony
Rogers, Baron Blachford Frederic
Young, Sir John, Baron Lisgar,
Places in this document
British Columbia