Referring to Your Lordship's Despatch N
o 32, of the
25th March
last and its enclosures, I now have the honor to forward the
Juan Island Military Accounts and Vouchers for the year ended
31st December, 1869. A further Statement for the first Quarter
1870 will be forwarded when
the Audit of those accounts has
been completed.
2. I am informed by the Auditor that the
San Juan Account has
been always heretofore sent as a yearly statement from 1
January to 31
st December; and has been furnished within the
period allowed by the Regulations. It is not clear from
Lushington's Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury whether or
not the Admiralty desire that this arrangement should be changed
and the Annual
Accounts made up from the
31st March to the
same date in the following year.