I have had the honor to receive Your Lordship's Circular
Despatch of the 2nd August requiring information as to the Laws
in force in the Colonies as to Trespass and also as to the
preservation of Game.
2. With regard to the Law of Trespass, it is the
same as in
England on the
19th of November, 1858, as provided by the
"English Law Ordinance
1867," N
o 27, of which I enclose a Copy;
with the exception made by Section III of the "Fence Ordinance,
1869" N
o 9, also enclosed, applicable to Fence Districts as
therein provided.
3. The preservation of Game, so far as is practicable, in this
Colony is provided for by the "Game Ordinance, 1870" which I
4. No special observations seem necessary upon the provisions
of these Ordinances.