No. 127
12th October 1870
My Lord,
I have had the honor to receive Your Lordship's Despatch No 10 of the 12th August, pointing out that the Leave of Absence granted by me to Mr G. Williams Government Printer had not been reported to Your Office in accordance with the Colonial Regulations.
2.Manuscript image
2. Mr Williams is only a Compositor in the Government Printing Office, and although paid a fixed Salary by the Government I did not regard him as having the rank of a "Colonial Officer" within the meaning of the Regulations. For this reason I did not think it necessary to report the Leave granted to him; although as he was proceeding to England he was allowed to draw his Half Salary from the Crown Agents as a personalaccommodationManuscript image accommodation.
3. I now enclose the usual Certificates.
I have the honor to be,
My Lord,
Your most obedient
humble Servant
A. Musgrave
Minutes by CO staff
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Mr Herbert
I do not see how Govr Musgrave would get over the Imperial Act.
Send the Certificate to the Crown Agents to whom we gave authority to pay Mr Williams his 1/2 Salary.
CC 8/11
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At once.
RGWH Nov 8/70
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Not on microfilm.
Musgrave, Sir Anthony to Wodehouse, First Earl of Kimberley John 12 October 1870, CO 60:41, no. 11848, 126. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. James Hendrickson and the Colonial Despatches project. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria.

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