I have hitherto deferred any special acknowledgment of Your
Lordship's Despatch N
o 4 of the
11th July, on the subject of
the suspension of
Mr Thomas Basil Humphreys from his seat in
the present Legislative Council, until I should receive Your
Lordship's instructions with reference to
the change in the
constitution of that body which I had recommended early in the
2. I should have no opportunity of laying your Despatch before
them until the usual period of Session in the Winter. Under the
authority recently received in your Despatches N
os 11 and 12,
22nd August Writs have now already been issued for an
Election. The present Council will be dissolved so soon as
Writs shall have been returned. The new Council will of course
have no cognizance of the proceedings of the former body in
respect of this matter, and it will not therefore be possible to
refer the case of
Mr Humphreys for their reconsideration.