Public Offices document.
Minutes (1), Other documents (1).
Memo, Hammond to Rogers (Permanent Under-Secretary)
Foreign Office
25 January 1870
Mr Hammond presents his Compliments to Sir F. Rogers and, with
reference to the Letter from the Colonial Office of the 11th
instant is directed by the Earl of Clarendon to state, for the
information of Earl Granville that the Queen's Exequatur
empowering Mr Matthew Trotter Johnston to be consul for British
Columbia to reside at Victoria for the North German
Confederation has this day received Her Majesty's Signature.
The Notification of Her Majesty's Approval of Mr Johnston's
Appointment will appear in the "Gazette" of the 28th instant.
[No signature]
Minutes by CO staff
Sir F. Rogers
Inform the Gov. L[ithographed] F[orm].