No. 46
I have fully considered the suggestion made in your Despatch No.
22nd February, that the Crown Fund of
Vancouvers Island should be
transferred to the General Revenue of
British Columbia.
I have to acquaint you
in that as a civil List sufficient for the
Salaries of the principle officers has been permanently provided for, I
am prepared to consent to this fund being placed under control at the
disposal of the Legislature on the condition of their Securing
by Ordinance a supplementary Civil List placing £1000 a year at the
disposal of the Governor to be expended according to his discretion as
Imperial interests may require.
At the termination
of each year a Return of the expenditure would
be laid before the Legislature for their information. If the whole sum
is not expended in the year in which it accrues, it should accumulate
until it reaches a reserve of £1000, any excess over that sum should be
paid over to the General Revenue.
I have to authorize you to assent to any Ordinance that may be
passed for this purpose if it fulfills the required condition.
I have the honor to be
Your most obedient humble Servant