No. 48
I have to acknowledge your Despatch for the ensuing year No. 28
dated 25th March last, submitting a supplementary Appropriation
Ordinance No. 2, of 1870 passed by the Legislative Council and yourself
for the [service] of the years 1868 and 1869.
2. Her Majesty's Government
will raise no question as to the
expenditure provided for in this Ordinance. But I have to point out to
you that this mode of reporting Supplementary Expenditure for sanction
vizt by the mere submission of a Supplementary Appropriation Ordinance,
unaccompanied by any information as to the total sum to which the
expenditure has been brought for the year and total Revenue to meet such
expenditure is
altogether defective. I refer you to the printed
Despatch from the
Duke of Buckingham to the Straits Settlements, No.
243, dated the
27th November 1868 enclosed for your guidance in the
Despatch from the same Minister, No. 105 dated the
7th December 1868,
and I have to request that on future occasions you will submit with
Supplementary Appropriation Ordinances the various particulars of
information required by that Document to accompany such Ordinances.
3. You express yourself in your present Despatch as being in some
doubt as to the proper interpretation of the standing Treasury
Instructions, under which these supplementary Ordinances are framed. I
annex for your assistance on this subject, copy of a recent report of
the Auditor General of the Straits Settlements. which contain a correct
exposition of the principles and objects of the instructions referred
4. I have to convey to you, and you will publish
in the usual and
most authentic manner Her Majesty's confirmation and allowance of the
Ordinance, No. 2 of
1870, entitled as follows:
An Ordinance granting a supplemental supply of Two hundred and one
thousand five hundred and eighty-five dollars and four cents, out of the
General Revenue of
British Columbia and its Dependencies for the
contingent Service of the year
69 respectively.
I have the honor to be
Your most obedient humble Servant