No. 2
18th January 1871
My Lord,
Referring to my Despatch No 125 of the 11th October last, and Your Lordship's Circular of 1st of August previous, I now have the honor to forward the Returns of Hospitals and Lunatic Asylums, required inLordManuscript image Lord Granville's Circular of the 12th July 1869.
2. There is no separate Lunatic Asylum, I regret to say. The small number of Patients and the pecuniary embarrassments of the Colony have hitherto prevented any attempt to supply this want. Lunatics can only be confined in part of the Gaols at Victoria and New Westminster under the best arrangements fortheirManuscript image their comfort which are possible in the circumstances.
3. There are three Hospitals—at Victoria, New Westminster and Cariboo. Although not coming up to the standards of English requirements, those at the two latter places answer all practical purposes for small communities very well, and provide sufficiently for the comfort of the Patients. The HospitalatManuscript image at Victoria is not equally satisfactory. But it is not under the control of the government; being managed by a Board
Exactly what often happens.
consisting of a President, Treasurer, Secretary and Eight Members who are elected at a yearly public meeting of subscribers. The Institution is supported by Voluntary Contributions, and a small income arising from payingpatientsManuscript image patients, with the aid of a grant from the Government of Three hundred and Twenty Dollars per month;
About £770 per annum.
which however constitutes the chief Revenue.
4. A good deal of discussion has from time to time taken place as to the necessity for improvement in the Victoria Hospital, and after Union with Canada, when the finances of the ColonywillManuscript image will be in a more prosperous condition, I have no doubt that steps will be taken for this purpose.
I have the honor to be,
My Lord,
Your most obedient
humble servant
A. Musgrave
Minutes by CO staff
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CC 7 March 71
HT 8 Mch/71
Mr Herbert
Governor Musgrave speaks well of the Hospital at New Westminster and the little hospital at Cariboo. There is nothing in the Returns, I think, at variance with his opinion. Of the Hospital at Victoria he does not speak well, and in this the Returns bear him out. But it is not a government Institution, and improvement, he says must await federation with Canada. The Returns relating to the Lunatics in the Gaols of Victoria and New Westminster are very gloomy.Manuscript image There are excellent Asylums in Canada if the patients could only be got there. As confederation is in view, I should be disposed not to go too much into the matter—merely acknowledging, and saying that Lord Kimberley hopes that when confederation takes place some means will be found to
provide a proper Lunatic asylum.
It is not more than two or three years since the confinement of lunatics in prisons in Ireland has ceased. When I was Ld [one word off microfilm] a large number were in prisons.
(put an end to a state of things which is painful to reflect on?)
EF 10.3.71
HT 11 Mch/71
Perhaps a moderate expenditure in covering in part of the exercise courts for Lunatics should be suggested; and it should be asked what provision there is for protecting them from severe cold, & whether the cells in which they sleep are warmed in any way. The fact that there is no thermometer is discreditableManuscript image to the colony management, and as the only two deaths which occurred among the Victoria Lunatics were from congestion of the lungs, there appears reason to fear that they may have been improperly exposed to cold.
RGWH Mar 11/71
I shd say no more than is suggested in the first minute (Mr Fairfield?) or at least shd not suggest any expenditure before Federation—it might be as well to ask as to provision ag[ain]st cold.
EHKH 11/3/71
I think what is proposed in the first minute is sufficient in the particular circumstances.
K March 12/71
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
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Returns for hospitals at New Westminster, Victoria, and Cariboo for 1869, providing in tabular form details on number of patients treated, description of facilities, types of diseases treated, number of deaths, etc.
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Returns for lunatic asylums at New Westminster and Victoria for 1869, similar to hospital returns but including as well (for Victoria Asylum) a daily dietary table.
Other documents included in the file
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Draft reply, Kimberley to Musgrave, No. 23, 17 March 1871.
Musgrave, Sir Anthony to Wodehouse, First Earl of Kimberley John 18 January 1871, CO 60:43, no. 2274, 9. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. James Hendrickson and the Colonial Despatches project. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria.

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