Mr Herbert
Governor Musgrave speaks well of the Hospital at
New Westminster
and the little hospital at
Cariboo. There is nothing in the
Returns, I think, at variance with his opinion. Of the Hospital
Victoria he does not speak well, and in this the Returns bear
him out. But it is not a government Institution, and
improvement, he says must await federation with Canada. The
Returns relating to the Lunatics in the Gaols of
Victoria and
New Westminster are very gloomy.

There are excellent Asylums in Canada if the patients
could only be got there. As confederation is in view, I should
be disposed not to go too much into the matter—merely
acknowledging, and saying that
Lord Kimberley hopes that when
confederation takes place some means will be found to
provide a proper Lunatic asylum.
It is not more than two or three years since the
confinement of lunatics in prisons in Ireland has ceased.
When I was Ld [one word off microfilm] a large number were in prisons.
(put an end to a state of things which is painful to reflect on?)