I have to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch No. 39 dated the
31st March last, forwarding Copies of the
British Columbia Act No. 16 of
1871, "to provide for a permanent civil list." I have also received
your further Despatch No. 45 of the
April enclosing a copy of a letter
addressed to you[r] private Secretary by the Mayor of
Victoria with a
resolution against the Act passed at a public meeting held in that Town
on the
31st March last.
Although I am not disposed to deny that there are advantages in
placing the civil List on a more permanent footing than that of a money
vote and looking to all the circumstances of the case I cannot disallow
the Act by Her Majesty, I cannot but regret that such
an occasion should
have been taken to increase salaries.
The necessary Order in Council will be forwarded as soon as it has
passed the Council.