Extract of a Despatch received by the Govern, & Committes of the Hudsons Bay Company
from the Officers in charge at
Fort Vancouver dated
July 28. 1846.
It affords us much pleasure to inform your Honors that Her Majesty's
Government has this year displayed an extraordinary degree of solicitude
and taken most active measures for the protection of British rights in
this Country.
The '
18. has been stationed off this establishment since the month of
November 1845.
Her Majesty's Ship
Fisgard of 42 Guns under the command of
Duntze arrived at
Fort Victoria in the beginning of
May 1846, and is now
lying at anchor off
Nisqually with orders to remain on the coast until
Captain Duntze entered into communication with the Board of
Management immediately on his arrival and sent
Lieutt Dyke with four
Junior Officers to visit this and the neighbouring settle
ts in
Wallamette. In his first communication
Capt. Duntze
informs the board
of Management "that the
Fisgard had been detatched by
Rear Admiral Sir
George Seymour, Commander in Chief of Her Majesty's N. Forces in the
Pacific, to afford protection to Her Majesty's Subjects in Oregon and
the North West Coast,
which information was duly conveyed to our
fellow subjects in this Country. The Brig
Rosalind of
Hipplewhite, Master chartered by Government at £250. stirling a month arrived on the 3
d June at
Fort Victoria with a Cargo of Coals, which
was landed there for the use of Her Majesty's Steam Vessel '
and on the 27
th of the same month she with the '
Herald' and
Pandora' Surveying Ships in tow also made the Port of
The two latter Ships are now engaged in making a Survey of the
Southern Shore of
Vancouvers Island and will remain upon the coast until the end of Autumn, when they are to leave for
Cormorant remains at
Nisqually, or upon the adjacent coast
until further orders which the Senior Officer expects shortly to
receive from
Sir George Seymour
in person, whose arrival however
appears to be matter of mere conjecture.
The concentration of so large a naval force in Pugets has
caused a great sensation in this Country, and on the whole, produced a
most favourable impression on the minds of the people, being considered
by British Subjects as a guarantee that our Government is determined to
maintain its rights, while the Americans feel less confident of coming
into exclusive possession of the Country, and are not so much disposed
to disregard and trample upon the rights of British Subjects whom they
before appeared to consider as mere lawless intruders in the Country.
Heavy demands for clothing and provisions have been made upon our
stores since the arrival of Her Majesty's Ships and we have fortunately
had the means of supplying the wants of the former, in part, and of the
latter in the fullest possible manner. The Ships companies are fed
entirely on fresh Beef and Mutton,

furnished from our Stores at 3
per pound which causes a large consumption of meat, particularly at the
Pugets Sound Company's establishment of
Nisqually, and it is desirable
that so profitable a market could always be found for the farm produce
of the Company.
Since addressing the Governor and Council on the 19th March
1846, the political affairs of this Country have undergone no material
change. The Laws of the Compact or provisional Government have been
exercised with impartiality and are generally respected. The
established Law Courts have acquired a high reputation in the Country
and are made the arbiters in all cases of private differences, we
believe there has yet been no instance of appeal from their decisions;
a fact as honourable to the character of the Courts, as to the good
sense and orderly habits of the mixed population of the Country.
A strong Anti-british feeling directed principally against The
Hudsons Bay Company, as the only really

British influence in the
Country is maintained among the ultra Americans, but this feeling has
for some time past been placed under severe restraint by the presence
of Her Majesty's Vessels in
the River.
The election of Members for the next Session of the Legislature,
took place in the first week in June, and the returns shew that public
opinion runs strongly in favour of moderate measures, not a single
member of the ultra American party having been elected, while three of
the Companys Officers,
Mr Peers,
Mr Angus McDonald, and
Tolmie have been severally returned in different Counties.
The house is now composed
of 3 Hudsons Bay Companys
Officers } British
1 Canadian } Subjects
12 Americans
most of the latter are men of sound views and disposed to follow right
We of course exerted all our influence to procure

the return of
men, who would study to maintain peace and good order and not seek to
involve the Country in trouble, through violence and intolerant party
zeal, it was also an object to have the Counties north of
the Columbia represented by British Subjects, both from consideration of interest,
and of propriety, as it would not have been proper in us, or have
appeared right to the world, that we who possess a prevailing influence
and hold so large a share of the property in these Counties, should
have allowed the Americans constituting a mere fraction of their
population to legislate for the interests of the whole.