1148 N. America London. June 9th 1847

Vancouvers Isld
June 9th 1847.
In compliance with your Suggestion I have the honor to submit for your perusal an outline of a scheme for the formation of a colony in Vancouvers Island, on the North West Coast of America, together with some remarks in explanation of the objects and principles by which its authors have been guided.
But, although you are, doubtless, well acquainted with the general features of the island, and with the political importance of its position; I beg, in the first place to offer one or two reasons which seem to justify the Expectation that her Majesties govt. will do all in their power to promote the undertaking.
First, with respect to the political of the position, Great Britain possesses no dependency of any description in the Pacific Ocean, Eastward of Hong Kong, New Holland and New Zealand, whilst France is establishing her influence in the South Sea Islands and the United States are pushing their population Westward to the shores of the Ocean.
The principal part of the settlements made by the servants of the Hudson's Bay Company, lying at Nisqually and along the Cowlitz and Willamette rivers, are, according to the provisions of the last treaty with the United States, Allotted to that power.
The Hudsons Bay Company possess onlyManuscript image one or two inconsiderable settlements on the coast, to the North of the 49th parallel of North latitude; so that, in fact, Great Britain has, at present, hardly any thing to shew more than a nominal Sovereignty over her portion of the Oregon Territory.
Her Majesties govt. cannot but be fully alive to the extreme importance of possessing some strong dependency on the North West coast of America in order to counterbalance the influence of the United States and to watch the interests of Great Britain in the Pacific Ocean.
Secondly. with respect to the Geographical position of the island as affecting the prospects of its future inhabitants: it is to be remarked, that it occupies very nearly the same position with respect to the Pacific which Great Britain does with respect to the Atlantic Ocean.
But there is this difference, that no portion of the globe is so deficient in harbours as the West Coast of North America.
There is no shelter for craft, of even the smallest size between San Francisco in California and the Harbours which lie within the Straits of Juan de Fuca.
And although San Francisco is a noble Harbour yet as it is above Seven hundred miles to the South of the Straits these two can hardly be considered rivals in a commerical point of view.
Hence it follows that the inhabitants of the country lying around the Straits of Juan de Fuca must, of necessity, retain, for ever, a monopoly of all the trade which shall ever pass into and out of the northern part of the West Coast of America.
The Pacific Ocean is studded with islands, teeming with tropical productions in all directions. For these productionsManuscript image, there is a present no natural Channel of Exchange. But the North West Coast of America is the only Country within reach, which is capable of exchanging the productions of a colder for those of a tropical climate. It seems difficult to over rate the rapidity with which trade might increase if an industrious and persevering race were to establish themselves on the northern shores of the Pacific Ocean.
It is indeed true that the harbours on the south or American Side of the Straits, Extending down to Pugets Sound, are as good as any on the British Territory. But it is extremely probable that the people who retain take the initiative will retain at any rate for a very long time, the superiority in the commerce which the increasing population of the country must create. Moreover, believing that the prosperity of Colonies, as of all civil communities, depends on the principles upon which they are founded and by which they are governed, we cannot doubt that a Colony might be established in the British Oregon Superior to any rivalry it might experience from its neighbours of the Columbia River; if the emigration to that country from the United States is to proceed in the manner in which it has hitherto been conducted. Hence, the importance of This island which commands the Straits bounding it for more that 60 miles on the north side, in a commercial, as well as in a political point of view.
Thirdly, with respect to the natural capabilities of the country and its facilities for colonization. It would be too long a task to Enter into any detail as her Majesties Govt have doubtless correct information on the subjects.Manuscript image I may simply state my conviction after consulting every written authority on the subject, and also after taking the opinions of men who speak from the personal experience arising from long residence in the Country, that, in healthiness of climate, in fertility of soil, in the abundance of game of all kinds, Flesh, fish and fowl, as well as in rich Mineral productions coal, iron and copper. — this territory contains everything, as a home for a people, from which necessities can be supplied or wealth obtained.
Another circumstance should be mentioned which will facilitate the construction of a Colony in Vancouvers Island. There are, in its whole length above 250 miles, not above 5000
I believe he is totally mistaken as to the number of the Natives.5
Natives according to the best authorities, and these are on the best possible terms with the English, owing to the wise and generous policy which has been pursued towards them by the Hudsons Bay Company.
With respect to the Hudsons Bay Company I beg to call your attention to a clause in their Charter which reserves to Her Majesty the right of revoking as much of that Charter as refers to any country at present included in its provisions in which Her Majesty may at any time think fit to found a Colony.
But, at the same time, it is hardly necessary to do so because it is clearly the interest of the Hudsons Bay Company That such a Colony as that now projected should be established. Vancouvers Island produces very little fur. The settlements founded by the Servants of the Hudsons Bay Company are in the American Territory, and the holders of the farms &c. will be obliged either to Emigrate farther Northward or to becomeManuscript image Citizens of the United States. A Colony in Vancouvers Island would probably form an attractive new home for many of these persons. It would also form a sort of barrier against the Encroachments of the Americans upon the fur trade of the Hudsons Bay Company upon the Continent and which they have already gone to so much Expence and labour to secure against the Americans and the Russians in the Oregon Territory.
One reason may be Suggested why the attempt to form a new Colony from this country ought not to be regarded as unwise.
It is a fact that, although Great Britain possesses, beyond all comparison, the largest dependencies of any Country in the world, and although a very large number of Emigrants leave her shores Every year; a great proportion do not go to the British Colonies but to the United States of America. It is sufficient in support of this fact to quote the reports of the Colonial land and emigration commissioners.
Hence it may be inferred, that, from some cause which is foreign to our purpose at present to dwell on, the wants of British Emigrants are not supplied by any system at present acted on in any of the Colonies belonging to our own country; and hence too it would seem that there is ample room for a new colony to meet the demands of the Emigrants from our Shores.Manuscript image
Now, if there be the necessity above stated for a powerful and prosperous Colony on the shores of the Pacific, in order to keep up our influence in that portion of the globe, and to prevent the vast trade, which must some day flow from the Islands of the Pacific Ocean falling into the hands of rival powers; then it is reasonable to anticipate that a scheme which proposes the foundation of such a Colony in a Country the most favorable to the attainment of these ends, will meet with the Sanction and patronage of her Majesties Government.
It is in this Expectation, and believing that such a scheme may be formed as shall offer greater inducements than are offered by any other British Colony to men of Education intelligence and capital to Embark in the Enterprise That the promoters of the undertaking submit the following proposal.
I. That a joint stock company be formed called the Company of Colonists of Vancouvers Island
(a). It is not intended that all the shareholders should necessarily Emigrate to the Colony but the greatest possible inducement to do so should be given
All the priviledges of a colonist in the government of the Colony and in the management of the company should be vested in residents alone.
II. That Capital be subscribed in shares of £ 100 Each to be expended in the conveyance of labour to the Colony.
(a) The labourers carried out shouldManuscript image be selected, young married men, between 18 and 35 years of age.
(b) It should be a rule, that an equality should be preserved in the numbers of the two sexes, conveyed to the Colony, at least for several years.
III. That no interest be paid on the Capital but land be alloted to the shareholders in proportion to the number of their shares.
(a). This scheme is in fact only another mode of selling the Land for so much per acre but with this difference by adopting the form of a joint stock company, all the civil priviledges of a colonist — the rights of voting &c. are given along with the share; and, moreover, the expenditure of the money is entrusted to the company instead of to the government.
(b) The whole of the capital of the Company in other words the price of land is to be expended in the manner most beneficial to the colonist, viz, in the supply of labour which is found practically to be the greatest want in a new colony.
(c). This it is conceived can be effected far more readily and more economically by a company — that is to say by the directors who are responsible to the shareholders than, on the one hand by any private individuals or, on the other, by the government.
(d). The whole question of the economical prosperity of a colony is reduced to a single proportion    Such a proportion must exist between   The Share. —  The land allotted to it — and the labour that can be supplied by it [...] that the greatest possible return may be made on the price of the share. In that case two results will occur.
 (1) The shareholder will have maximum profits
 (2) The labourer will have maximum wages.Manuscript image
If this proposition does not exist the labourer will be making money at the expence of the shareholder or else the shareholder at the expence of the labourer.
(e) The question to be determined is what extent ought to be allotted to one share in order that there may be a maximum return. The basis of the calculation by which the right quantity may be may be stated as follows.
According to the best Authorities 3 men are required to till 100 acres. But, in order that a Civil Community may prosper more than one half the population ought not to be employed on the production of food from the Soil Half at least ought to be Engaged in other species of industry. I assume one half because in Ireland with the greatest distress three fourths are employed in agricultural occupations and in England in the midst of luxury only one third, or less, are so employed I therefore take one half as the of the agricultural labour. Hence. six men ought to be conveyed to the colony for every 100 acres of land allotted. Now Supposing, which is the most favorable case, that all the labourers are young married men without families and that a man and wife can be conveyed to Vancouvers Island for £50. Thus £300 will be the cost of conveying labour to the Colony Sufficient for 100 acres of land allotted. Hence. for the outlay of 100, ie, of a share. 100/3 = 33 1/3 acres ought to be the extent of the allotment. And if the above theory be correct and the assumed numbers be right the Shareholder with then obtain the Maximum profits which his £100 could be made to yield and the labourer would obtain the maximum wages which could be obtained without subtracting from the profits of the shareholders.Manuscript image
There is another mode of viewing this question. The wages of a labourer in a colony in a prosperous condition ought to be such that, in a few years, he may be able to save enough to buy a share. In this case his labour is not withdrawn from the market for the price of his share is expended in the introduction of a new labourer to take his place. The labourer ought not to have such high wages as shall enable him to buy a share in a very short time; first, because when wages are so high it is certain to be Engrossing a part of the profits of Capital which it has no right to, Secondly because the general result has been to demoralize the labourer so that the more he has to save, the less he saves.
Although it is not possible to frame on this basis, a calculation as to magnitude of the allotment of land to each share yet it is essential to establish the fact that there is a direct relation between the rate of wages and the size of the allotments.
For the rate of wages depends on the ratio between the Capital in the Colony available for the Employment of labour that is the Capital in private hands, and the supply of labour in the market. Now the supply of labour depends on the Capital in the hands of the Company and this latter for a given tract of Country depends on the price of the land. Or in other words on the extent of the allotment per share     Hence the rate of wages depends on the ratio between the amount of Private Capital and the size of the allotment [...] price of the land on which it is employed. In other words the rate of wages varies, directly as the amount of Private Capital and inversely as the price of land.
According to this reasoning, theManuscript image greater the amount of Private Capital in the colony the higher ought to be the price of land in order to prevent the wages of labour becoming exorbitant
Now with regard to the direct variation [...] since it will be manifestly impossible to discover the quantity of Capital that may find its way into the colony in private hands, no calculation can be made in order to suggest the quantity of land to be allotted to a share in order that there may be a fair rate of wages.
But with respect to the inverse variation. It is clear that experience will soon determine how much Capital there is afloat in the Colony, and then should wages rise exorbitantly it will be necessary to diminish the extent of the allotments so that there will be less work to be done and more hands proportionally to do it, when wages must fall. And besides there being less demand for Capital in wages the holders will be more inclined to invest it in the Company which will introduce more labour and still more lend1 to depress wages : And on the other hand should wages fall too low it will be necessary to increase the extent of the allotments where for similar reasons wages may be kept up.
These operations however will be of very slow movement.
Two things then on the whole are absolutely necessary to the prosperity of the colony.
First that there a fixed size of the allotments per share. And that it should be guaranteed in the Company's charter specifically.Manuscript image
Secondly. That a power should be vested somewhere of changing the size of the allotment per share, in case the circumstances of the Colony require it.
This power should be so vested that it cannot be used suddenly or inconsiderately.
It is proposed to place it in the hands of the Directors of the Company subject to the approval of the Governor in Council in the Colony and of the Queen in Council in England.
With respect to the mode of allotment it is not necessary to enter into detail at present. The Island should be surveyed as fast as possible beginning from the site chosen for the first settlement and divided into lots of the extent appropriated to one share numbered, and registered;
Two principles should be adopted The first claimant of a lot shall always have it. If two persons claim simultaneously, They should cast lots for the first choice.
Every shareholder should then be registered as holding specified lots and no person should have the rights of a shareholder until he had registered himself as the holder of a specific lot or lots.
IV. That the affairs of the company be managed by a board of 13 directors one of whom they shall elect as chairman.
It is submitted that an association such as that now proposed, occupies two distinct positions    First that of a company. Secondly that of a colony. First as a merely and agricultural associationManuscript image whose object is to divide land amongst its members according to certain principles previously agreed upon. And to expend their Capital upon a specified object, the introduction of labour; it is proposed to Entrust the Management to a board of directors such as is found to be practically the most convenient in all companies of a similar character.
This board is not supposed to take any part in the civil and political government of the community but simply to direct the financial operations of the Company. This is in short a land and emigration commission.
A set of directions should be issued defining their power and their functions and these directions should be incorporated into the companies charter. They should [...] settle the mode of allotting land — the quantity to be allotted per share (providing for the alteration of the quantity in the manner before specified) — the mode of expending the Capital — the granting of titles to land — the surveying of the land — the treatment with the natives for the possession of the Soil &c —
The directors should be elected at first by the shareholders. Four should retire first by lot afterwards in rotation every year   Their successors should be elected by the shareholders.
They should be all holders of at least 10 shares and resident in the Colony.
Any charge of breaking the directions in the charter should be preferred against them before the Governor in Council with an appeal to the Queen in Council in England.Manuscript image
It is submitted that the administration, in matters purely of business, of a body of men whose personal interest is involved in the welfare of the Colony and who are responsible to their fellow Shareholders, and who are controlled only by a number of "directions" written in their charter, which will give uniformity to their proceedings and therefore confidence to the public, is far more likely to produce a prosperous state of affairs than the arbitrary interference of any offices or officers in the Colony or at home who have no personal interest in the matters with which they have to deal.
It is submitted that in this proposition there is no prejudice to the rights of the Crown as the dispenser of justice and the source of government in a colony
Nor to the authority of the Mother Country as exercising a control essential to the welfare of the Empire. These are provided for hereafter. But it is conceived that a Spirit of loyalty to the Crown and affection to the parent country will be most Successfully Cultivated, when the prosperity of the colonists is most amply provided for and that such a provision will be made by entrusting the Economical affairs of the country company to those who are most immediately interested in its success.
Nor is it intended supposed that the parent country has no interest in the disposal of the waste lands in her Colonies. They[...] waste lands have come into the possession of Great Britain by means of the power and character of the British nation. They ought, then, to be considered the indefeasible inheritance of the people of Great Britain and in the construction of a colony, ought to be granted, so onlyManuscript image as to be held in trust for their benefit
But it is indisputable that this principle is more really and definitely acted on by ensuring the prosperity of the colonists than by any other method
Whilst, on the one hand, this prosperity is consulled by entrusting the management of the speculation to the company for its own benefits, on the other hand, the rights of the British people are provided for by a distinct definition of the limits within which its directors are to act. This should be specified in the original charter and the charter should be unalterable and irrevocable (Except on the grounds of a violation of its provisions by the company) unless by a joint act of the highest authorities in the colony and in the Mother Country.
The distinction here drawn between the functions of the company and of the colony, are not, it is submitted theoretical but real: and it is one which seems to be acted recognized in the lease or grant of the FAukland Islands, on the first of March in the present year to the Messrs Enderby. According to the provisions of their Charter the Messrs Enderby or the Company formed by them for carrying on the whale Fishery in the South Seas are entrusted with the entire disposal of the land and of the immigration whilst the whole of the Civil government is vested in the Crown. The Messrs Enderby being only required to provide for the necessary Expenditure of Government.
It is thought that there should be a provision that as soon as all the land granted to the company shall have been allotted the directory shall cease to exist.Manuscript image
V. That Vancouvers Island be granted to the directors as Trustees for the Shareholders; to convey it to them according to the terms Specified in the Charter.
It is a question for her Majesties Govt to determine whether this should be done by Charter from the Crown, or by special act of Parliament. But as some might arise from the course in other colonies where special acts have been obtained to settle the Sale of Waste lands, and also from an act 1 and 2 G. 1V. "entitled an act for regulating the fur trade and establishing a criminal and civil jurisdiction within certain parts of North America" the provisions of which act would be fatal to the existence of any Colonial government in any part of the British Territory lying West of the Canadas it is probable an act of parliament will be necessary in order to the proposed Colony and to invest its government with the requisite authority.
IV That the Constitution and of Vancouvers Island be provided for as follows.
(1). A Governor.
Appointed by the Crown, for life, but removeable. (1) in case he should be intollerably obnoxious and in the colony, by an address to the Crown from the Colonial House of Assemby past two (or three) years. So that the desire for his removal should be a continued and decided feeling on the part of the Colony not a partial or temporary opinion of a faction
Manuscript image (2) in case he should neglect or oppose the interests of the Mother Country, by an address to the Crown from both houses of Parliament.
2. An Executive Council.
Consisting of persons presiding over the departments of
  a. Law.
  b. Police
  c. Finance
  d. Public Works.
  e. Public Instruction
  f. The Board of Directors.
All these officers should be appointed by the Governor. but with a veto by, and removeable by an Address from, the House of Assembly passed three times.
The chief justice may be sent from England.
All the others must be resident Shareholders and in the House of Assembly.
No act of the Governor to be valid unless made in council.
All appointments to be made by the Governor but with the consent of the Council.
Directors are Eligible to sit on the council but in a trial about the conduct of the Directory the Directors may not vote.
3. A Legislative Assembly.
At first this assembly ought to be of all the shareholders in the Company. [...] An arrangement should be made for a representative SystemManuscript image to come into operation at the End of two or three years.
It would be premature to Enter into details but the principal features of the system should be
The House of Assembly should be elected by the "freemen."
Every shareholder should be free
Every person possessing bonâ fide property of the value of £100 should be a freeman.
Any man may be presented with the freedom of the Colony as for a reward for a great public service rendered the State.
The Governor has the right of Calling together or proroguing or dissolving the Assembly at pleasure.
The Assembly can not sit more than five years.
The Assembly must meet once a year at least.
All public acts must receive the assent of the Assembly — of the Council and of the Governor severally.
And no laws are of force in the Colony unless passed by the legislature of the Colony.
An order in Council by the Governor has the force of law between the Sessions of the Assembly. If it be not sanctioned by the Assembly it cannot be re enforced.
All English law shall be law in the Colony untill altered by an Act of the Colonial legislature.
No act of the Imperial Parliament shall be of force in Vancouvers Island. unless an act providing for the welfare of the whole Empire. In this case the Assembly are compelled to pass it under penalty of loosing the charter.Manuscript image
No act of the Colonial legislature is valid which violates a provision of the charter.
The mode of altering the size of allotments has been referred to above. but no other alteration may be made in the Charter without joint acts of the Legislature of the Colony and of the Mother Country
The Charter should contain a promise on the part of the Mother Country guaranteeing that it shall never be altered or revoked unless on the plan that its provisions have been violated by the colony and then only upon an address to the Crown by both Houses of Parliament.
In this scheme no provision has been made for a second or upper house of legislature
In the early settlement of the Colony no advantage can result from any Second elected house if indeed there is ever any thing gained by such an institution
When the Colony becomes older and larger and the character and tone of the government is fixed and apparent and legislation becomes a much more important matter than it will be found to be for many years at first Then the introduction of an upper house may effected if desirable and it is thought the institution of the board of Directors may form a sort of nucleus for such an assembly. But at first it seems difficult to make the constitution too simple
One question of great importance has been passed over in Silence. That ofManuscript image Religion. With the various conflicting opinions which are likely to be found in a Colony sent from this Country and from Ireland at the present day there seems to be no possibility of projecting any satisfactory means of providing for religious instruction by an act of State. It is recommended that this point should be left to the Colonial legislature when the complexion of the Colony shall have been ascertained and a fair judgement can be formed as to what it may be possible or advisable to Effect.
Another important question will arise — as to the relations between the Colony and the natives. This should be settled in the instructions to the board of directors which it is proposed to insert in the Charter. The chief object kept in view should be maintaining the most friendly relations civilizing Christianizing and finally incorporating them into the colony.
In case her Majesties govert should think proper to accede to the scheme proposed It is in contemplation to form a committee of influential gentlemen to manage the affairs of the company and receive the shares until a certain number, say 200 Shares are paid. After this the directors may be elected by the shareholders in the manner specified in the Charter. The Governor may be appointed by the Crown and the Council by the Governor and the whole machine of government thus set in motion before the first Colonists quit the shores of this country.
In conclusion, Sir, I beg to remark that having in compliance with your suggestion abstained from taking any public mode of ascertaining the numbers of those toManuscript image whom such a scheme as the present is likely to recommend itself I can only state my own conviction from the results the of inquiries amongst my own friends that in case her Majesties government think proper to Sanction the Enterprize, men will not be wanting.
There are a great number of young men in this Country who, Either have no profession or who have no very sanguine expectation of professional success — who are possessed of some small capital, although not enough to enable them to live independently, and who would probably be glad to find a definite application at once for their capital and their Enterprize in an undertaking which offered good prospects of success.
Besides which, at the present moment it is very likely that many of the higher orders in Ireland will be unable to retain any longer the position they have hitherto occupied. It seems unavoidable that many of the Smaller Landlords, whose estates are greatly encumbered will, under the pressure of existing circumstances be compelled to Sell their properties. Unquestionably in many instances it will be their policy to do so — and if persuaded to Sell at once they will probably be able to rescue for their families something more than if they cling to their properties till a later period.
To such persons naturally unwilling to sink into a lower where they have held a superior position in society a Colony if undertaken on a scale of such magnitude and such a manner as to ensure success would be not unlikely to offer an acceptable home. Where energies no longer fettered by circumstances beyond their control might find a new and profitable application.
If Her Majesties Govt will signifyManuscript image their willingness to confer upon the Company such a charter as is here proposed, it is in contemplation at once to appeal to the class of persons above alluded to in Ireland, and if possible to organize an extensive emigration of the higher orders from that Country.
But in speculating on the probability of a Sufficient number of Gentlemen being found willing to join the Colony it must not be forgotten, that our is not of the nature of an attractive speculation, offering prospects of rapid or exorbitant returns. It contemplates rather an ameliorated condition to many than a monopoly of wealth by a few.    Whilst appealing to that self-interest which stimulates to exertion in the mass of those who engage in it, it will demand some sacrifice on the part of many of those at any rate who will stand in the position of leaders in the colony — Sacrifice of hopes of success in this country. Sacrifice of home and of social ties.
Our proposal whilst aiming at the removal of the poor from the misery which is contingent on a large population crowded into a small island would not banish them to a desolate territory — without means — without orgaorganizationnization. It would remove them through the agency of the emigration of those who are their natural leaders and guides, the middle and higher orders of society   Supplying them with these and with a definite and judicious system of government it would secure their prosperity by organizing their exertions.
It is thus reasonable to hope that some more than ordinary inducements may be offered to men of Education of Enterprise and of loyalty toManuscript image Engage in Such an undertaking for by such alone can any great and prosperous colony be founded. And how much the more so, if there are very urgent political necessity for such a colony in the proposed locality.
The inducements which can be supplied by Her Majesties Govt are a defined and liberal Constitution in the Colony — a local government which shall attach the colonist to itself and to the authority whence it emanates by securing him from arbitrary caprice in its administration and from minor interference with his interests
This scheme is submitted with the greater confidence because it is believed to embody the principles which are Entertained by her Majesties government.
Earl Grey, in a dispatch dated Jan 27h 1847, writes to the Earl of Elgin   " x x x2 I continue to be of opinion that a very great advantage would result from Enabling Emigrants to proceed from the Country in bands, associated together for the purpose of settling in North America under the guidance of religious teachers if the practical difficulties of so doing could be surmounted. Much of the pain which must ever attend the breaking up of the ties that bind men to their native country would be spared to those whoManuscript image could Emigrate in company with a considerable number of their friends and relations for the purpose of finding on the other side of the Atlantic new Societies composed in a great Measure of the same elements as those to which they had previously belonged. Both morally and politically great benefits would I think result from the formation of such Societies and from the substitution of some mode of Settlement in villages for that usually adopted by which the first occupiers of the wilderness are scattered over the surface of the country removed from those civilizing influences and deprived of those facilities for obtaining religious instruction and the means of Education for their Children of which men can only have the advantage when collected together in somewhat considerable numbers. I will not abandon the hope that hereafter the practical difficulties which stand in the way of carrying these views into effect may be overcome and that means may be discovered of accomplishing that more Systematic colonization of the still unoccupied territory of British North America by which I am persuaded that the welfare of the Emigrants would be best ensured and the prosperity of these fine provinces would be carried to a far higher point than it can otherwise attain"Manuscript image
The difficulties to which Earl Grey alludes seem to be incident rather to an Established Country or province and might readily be overcome in the construction ab initio3 of a new colony. And although the above remarks of his Lordships refer to another system than the now proposed, yet, recognizing in them the principles upon which this scheme is founded and which it aims at carrying into action, the promoters join with me in requesting you to lay this letter before his Lordship
Earnestly hoping that it may receive from his Lordship as well as from yourself as Speedy a consideration as possible.
I have the honor to be.
Your most obedient humble
James Ed. Fitzgerald

Mr.B. Hawes Esqe
Colonial Office.
A letter to Benj: Hawes Esq
Her Majesties Under Secretary
of State for the Colonies.
Minutes by CO staff
Manuscript image
July 7.   The Writer of this Paper is I am told a very energetic & highly respectable person. Mr Panizzi I think & others have introduced him to me. He is now in the British Museum. Without going into details, — I think the answer must be similar to that given to other applications of the same kind — eg: that upon being acquainted with the names of the parties — & the means they possess of carrying out their views, Lord Grey will, upon being satisfied upon these points — proceed immly to consider the proposition now made.
G. 7/
Other documents included in the file
Manuscript image
Draft, Colonial Office to Fitzgerald, 15 July 1847, asking for further information on the proposed scheme.
  1. Could also be "tend."
  2. Here, the letter "x" is used in lieu of ellipses.
  3. ab initio is Latin for from the beginning.
  4. This script appears in the hand of the despatch author. Given the nature of the manuscript folds, it likely appears as title-page statement for the despatch.
  5. Author of marginal note is unknown at this time.
People in this document

FitzGerald, James Edward

Fitzgerald, Sir William Robert Seymour Vesey

Grey, Third Earl, Henry George

Hawes, Benjamin

Panizzi, Sir Anthony

Victoria, Queen Alexandrina

Places in this document

Columbia River

Cowlitz Region

Juan de Fuca Strait


Nisqually, or Fort Nisqually

Oregon Territory, or Columbia District

Puget Sound

San Francisco

Vancouver Island

Willamette River

FitzGerald, James Edward to Hawes, Benjamin 9 June 1847, CO 305:1, no. 1148, 473. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. James Hendrickson and the Colonial Despatches project. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria. https://bcgenesis.uvic.ca/V476F01.html.

Last modified: 2020-03-30 13:22:16 -0700 (Mon, 30 Mar 2020) (SVN revision: 4193)