The Resolutions have not been finally settled and I send them to
you for
Lord Greys Information & to know

whether he sees any objection
to them or wishes any alteration made
Lord Grey may think the
HBC take too much on themselves in refering to the Government of the
Colony but the Purchasers of the Land from them should be informed in
some way how they are to be governed at First and that ultimately there
will be a representative Assembly which with the concurrence of the
legislative Council and the Assent of the Crown will have the power to
make such modifications of the constitution as the Interests of the
colonists may appear to require
And I have thought that as the Grant
the Island is made to the Company without any conditions
those of revoking the Grant at the End of 5 Years or of
reentering at
the Expiration of the Grant of exclusive Trade Should resolve and make
the Government a condition on which the Sale of Land would be made &
which I think would be a certain relief to the Colonial Department
At the same time I am quite ready to consider any other view
Lord Grey may
have on the subject and am—