2777. Nth America
Vancouver's Isld

Hudson's Bay House
March 31 1849.
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 28th Instant accompanying
2To Foreign Office 7 April/49
the copy of a Despatch from Mr Adams, H.M. Chargé d'affaires in Peru, stating the substance of enquiries which had been made of him by British subjects residing in that country who are desirous of settling in Vancouver's Island; and also the copy of a communication which Earl Grey has directed to be made to the Foreign Office in reference to those enquiries; —
In reply to which I beg to state that Earl Grey's communicationManuscript image above mentioned is entirely satisfactory to the Directors of the Hudson's Bay Company, who are of opinion that it would save much time and greatly facilitate emigration from Peru if Mr Adams would undertake to receive payment for grants of land, and give certificates of purchase to intending emigrants, on the production of which the Company's Officers at Ft Victoria would (according to instructions to be sent from England) put the purchasers in possession of the quantity of land mentioned in the certificates.
Should this suggestion meet the approbation of Her Majesty's Government, I will lose no time in communicating with Mr Adams on the subject.
I am
Your Most Obedient
humble Servant
J H Pelly
1Benjamin Hawes Esquire
Under Secretary of State
&c &c &c
Minutes by CO staff
Manuscript image
Mr Merivale
Should a copy of this Letter be communicated to the Foreign Office in reference to yours of the 27th ultimo?
ABd 2/4.
HM Apl 2
April 2 BH
Yes askg whether Ld Palmerston sees any objectn to the proposal. —
G. 3
Other documents included in the file
Manuscript image
Draft, Colonial Office to Lord Eddisbury, Foreign Office, 7 April 1849, forwarding copy of letter and asking whether Palmerston saw any objection to the company's proposal.
Manuscript image
Draft, Colonial Office to Pelly, 31 May 1849, transmitting copy of Letters Patent constituting Ruperts Land to be "a Bishop's See and Diocese," and advising of the appointment of Reverend David Anderson as Bishop thereof.
  1. This addressee information appears at the foot of the first page of the despatch.
  2. This text runs perpendicular to main body text; see image scan.
People in this document

Adams, William Pitt

Anderson, Reverend David

Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone


Grey, Third Earl, Henry George

Hawes, Benjamin

Merivale, Herman

Pelly, Sir John Henry

Temple, Third Viscount Palmerston Henry John

Places in this document

Rupert's Land

Vancouver Island


Pelly, Sir John Henry to Hawes, Benjamin 31 March 1849, CO 305:2, no. 2777, 273. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. James Hendrickson and the Colonial Despatches project. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria. https://bcgenesis.uvic.ca/V495HB02.html.

Last modified: 2020-03-30 13:22:16 -0700 (Mon, 30 Mar 2020) (SVN revision: 4193)