Documents enclosed with the main document (transcribed)
Sailing Orders to HMS
8 April 1852
Sailing orders to H.M.S. "
et. et. etc
You are hereby required and directed when H.M.S.
Thetis under
your command is complete with provisions for six months consumption, and
in all other respects ready to proceed to
Queen Charlotte's Island and
there make a full Enquiry into the circumstances stated in a letter from
H.M's Counsul at
San Francisco a copy of which is enclosed.
2. You will take measures to ensure that the Sovereignty of Her
Majesty over
Queen Charlottes Island be respected and warn any
adventurers that may be located or speculating on that coast that they
are there only on Sufferance.
3. In your intercourse with the Natives you must be very cautious.
Some of the Tribes being represented as treacherous, you should endeavor
to impress them with the favor and protection of our Sovereign if they
conduct themselves in a friendly and hospitable manner and the certainty
of retribution should it be otherwise.
4. You must endeavour to obtain specimens of the precious metals
and such
information as may be desirable for HM's Government.
5. From
Queen Charlotte's Island you are to proceed to the Hudsons
Bay Company's settlement of
Fort Rupert,
Vancouvers Island and make
yourself acquainted with the progress that has been made for obtaining
Coal since the
Daphne was there in
July last as to the Number and
character of any settlers that May have located there, the state of the
Newitty Tribe which has hitherto escaped the punishment due to their
crime, that of Murdering three Englishmen.
*The Admiral seems ignorant of the fearful punishments which ensued.
6. From
Fort Rupert you are to
proceed to
Esquimalt Harbour to
communicate with the Governor at
Victoria. You are to ascertain the
number of persons free settlers or servants of the Hudsons Bay Company
who have located there since
July last. Whilst at
Esquimalt you are to
cut such spars as you can conveniently stow for the use of the Squadron.
7. From
Esquimalt you are to proceed to
San Francisco and
communicate with H.M's Consul transmitting to myself and the L.C.A. any
information that you may have collected.
8. If at
San Francisco you should obtain information respecting
British interests
at the
Sandwich Islands, which seem's to require that
your presence is necessary you are to return to
Valparaiso by that route
calling at the
Society Islands but should this Necessity not be apparent
you are to return to
Valparaiso direct and immediately refit H.M's Ship
Thetis for any service that she may be called upon to perform.
P.S. I trust that you will perform this service so as to arrive at
Valparaiso not later than the middle of
Fairfax Moresby