Hudson's Bay House
January 27th 1852
My Lord,
I have to acknowledge the receipt of a letter from
Mr Under
Secretary Peel transmitting to me a Copy of a letter from the Secretary
of the Aborigines Society with a petition from certain Indians and half
castes located in the
Red River Settlement and stating that your
Lordship will be happy to receive any observations I may have to make on
that Petition.
The Petition, from which the 4th paragraph appears to have been
omitted, embraces the following allegations, namely
1st That two individuals have been imprisoned.
2nd That the principal trade of the Settlement is
monopolized by the Hudson's Bay Company.
3rd That a certain Petition has been got up by
unjustifiable means.
4th That the Members of Council are unduly influenced
by the Company.
With respect to the first of
these allegations I have only to
observe that it is to be presumed that the proceedings adopted in the
cases alluded to were in due course of law, the contrary not being
alleged by the Petitioners.
To the allegation that the Company monopolize the principal trade
of the Colony I give the most positive contradiction. So far indeed is
this from being true, that the sole object the Company had in view in
opening a Sale Store in the Settlement was to benefit the Settlers who
would otherwise have been at the mercy of the private dealers as to the
prices of all imported goods. There is no restriction whatever either
on the importation or sale of British goods.
The trade in furs secured by Charter is the only exclusive trade
carried on by the Company, and it is one of the conditions under which
land has been granted to Settlers that they shall not interfere in the
Fur Trade with Indians.
In regard to the Petition stated to have been got up for the
benefit of the Company to which signatures are said to have been
fraudulently appended the Directors have never till now heard of such a
Petition nor are they aware either of its nature or objects. All
therefore that I can say is that enquiry will be made respecting it.
On the subject of the influence exercised by the Company over
Members of Council I have to remark that the circumstance of two or
three of the Council holding Municipal Offices, the expence of which
ought to fall upon the Settlers but from which they are relieved by the
Company, affords no justification for the charge of corruption so
wantonly brought against them by the Petitioners. In the appointment of
Councillors the Company have had solely in view the good government of
the Colony and have always selected the best educated and most
respectable members of the community—Men whom intelligence and stake in
the country pointed them out as fittest for the Office, and my firm
belief is that although they may not have satisfied the unreasonable
demands of that portion of the population who have
suffered themselves
to have been misled by turbulent demagogues, they have done their duty
conscientiously and uprightly.
Having thus noticed the particular points adverted to in the
Petition I have only to observe that if the Petitioners suffer evils as
they state in the preamble to their Petition, the evils are of their own
creation and not owing to the Government of the Hudson's Bay Company;
and that the remedy does not lie in the Municipal changes which they
demand, but in a change in their own habits and in the Institution of
regular industry for the precarious returns of the chase of the Buffalo
and the desultory mode of life to which they have addicted themselves.
Were it necessary for me to vindicate the Government of the
Hudson's Bay Company from the charge of oppression I would refer to the
parliamentary papers contained in the Return to an Address of the House
of Commons dated
Feby 9th 1849; but I shall content myself with
the following quotation from the letter of
Colonel Crofton to
Under Secretary Hawes at page 101.
"I unhesitatingly assert, that the Government of the Hudsons Bay
Company is mild and protective, and admirably adapted in my opinion, for
the state of society existing in
Prince Rupert's Land, where Indians, half-breeds and Europeans are happily governed, and live protected
laws which I know were mercifully and impartially administered by
Thorn the Recorder and by the Magistrates of the land."
I have the honour to be
My Lord
Your Lordship's mo. obed
t humble Servant
J.H. Pelly
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Merivale
The omission of the paragraph in the copy sent to
Sir John Pelly was no
doubt accidental. It refers to the administration of
Major Caldwell,
the late Governor of the
Red River Settlement. The Petition is
addressed to The Queen & will therefore I presume require a formal
Stating that HLp has not thought fit to give any direction
thereupon. Or making any more particular answer to the Aborigines
Protection Society?
This society is not one entitled to any peculiar considerat
n &
having chosen to adopt the very irregular course of trying to submit the
n through
Colonel Phipps have no right to expect an answer. Put
People in this document
Caldwell, Major William Bletterman
Crofton, Lieutenant Colonel John
Grey, Right Honorable, Second Baronet, Sir George
Grey, Third Earl, Henry George
Hawes, Benjamin
Hornby, Sir Admiral Phipps
Jadis, Vane
Merivale, Herman
Peel, Sir Frederick
Pelly, Sir John Henry
Thorn, Adam
Places in this document
Red River Settlement
Rupert's Land