Sir J.H. Pelly presents his compliments to Sir John Pakington, and begs to hand him a packet addressed to the late Secretary for the Colonies which has been received today from the Governor of Vancouver's Island, and also the copy of a letter from the Governor to Rear Admiral Moresby, relative to the proceedings and views of American Adventurers in regard to Queen Charlotte's Island.
Hudson's Bay House
May 3rd 1852
Minutes by CO staff
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Mr Merivale
In the despt recd yesterday the Governor mentioned having applied to the British Admiral in the Pacific for protection for british interests at Queen Charlotte's Island. I really think it is time some vigorous proceedings should be taken by the British Govt to maintain order in this distant place, & establish regulations concerning the gold mines. The Island is within Canadian Jurisdiction, and properly speaking a communication should be addressed to Lord Elgin on the subject.
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In the meanwhile I must continue of opinion that the Admiralty should be specially ordered to send a Ship of War there, the Captain thereof having a Commission of Justice of the Peace, or there will be great disorder & discredit ensuing in the place.
ABd 4 May
This is already under Sir J. Pakingtons' consideration. This letter is nearly the same with the dispatch which has been sent by us to the Company, & this crossing of theManuscript image same information is rather inconvenient. It is evident that prompt action is needed if there is to be any. A naval force might be sent. and no party might be allowed to work the quartz without licence from the District Govr. But whether foreign vessels could be prevented from touching at Q. Charlotte's Id consistently with present navigation acts & treaties, I am not so sure.
HM May 4
Exceptional cases may always be warranted by circumstances. At the same time any other expedient would be preferable.
D 5
Answer that this subject has been previously brought under my notice & that I have submitted questions connected with it for the Consideratn of the Foreign Office & the Admiralty.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
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Douglas to Moresby, 29 January 1852, describing how the discovery of gold on Queen Charlotte Island had prompted interest amongst parties of American adventurers.
Other documents included in the file
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Draft, Colonial Office to Hamilton, Admiralty, Immediate, 13 May 1852, forwarding copies of Douglas' despatches and letter to Moresby that "render it imperative that warship be sent to Queen Charlotte Island" and requesting the Admiralty to instruct the Rear Admiral on the Pacific Station to "despatch such a force . . . as their Lordships may consider adequate for the service," and that the officer in command should be provided with a Commission of the Peace.
Minutes by CO staff
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(This I presume is for the information of the Admiralty. The Commission would require to be prepared here, & needs a little consideration.
Pelly, Sir John Henry to Pakington, Captain John Somerset 3 May 1852, CO 305:3, no. 3779, 447. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. James Hendrickson and the Colonial Despatches project. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria.

Last modified: 2020-03-30 13:22:16 -0700 (Mon, 30 Mar 2020) (SVN revision: 4193)