October 8th, 1852
To the Right Honorable
Sir John Pakington, Bart.
Her Majestys Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies
I most respectfully beg to tender this for your consideration, and
in doing so I trust you will not conclude that I have unnecessarily
troubled you. On the
30th of August 1851 on the resignation of
Govr Blanshard I was duly sworn a member of council of the
Govt of
this colony.
At a council convened on the
5th of October 1852, His Excellency
James Douglas Govr, moved the following resolution.
That we consider it derogatory to a member of Council to be a
retail dealer of spirituous liquors or to follow any calling
that may be subversive of order or injurious to public morals.
To which I assented in the abstract, but proposed the following
That, it is highly derogatory to the Council to pass any resolution
which is virtually aimed at any individual member of the same council,
and accordingly that the foregoing resolution is hereby expressly
declared not to be intended to affect either directly or indirectly any
individual member of the

present council, but is intended merely as the
expression of a purely abstract opinion in the most general terms.
This Amendment was rejected, and the Govr also informed the council that it was his intention to transmit a copy of the foregoing
resolution to the Authorities in "England".
I find it necessary to enter more into detail of these particulars
than I anticipated, and solicit a further hearing, feeling that my
official duties as member of council are attacked, and that my private
character would thereby be seriously injured.
I am a resident Colonist in
Vancouvers Island (
in fact the only
Colonist from "Great Britain" unconnected with the H.B. Co.) and
as general dealer or Merchant, Spirituous liquors are sold by me
according to the standard rule in Her Majestys dominions in quantites
not less than two gallons which constitute a wholesale dealer and not as
implied in the resolution a retail dealer.
Up to this date no law exists in the colony to prohibit the sale
of spirituous liquors in any shape.
On the contrary three
licenses have been issued by
Govr Douglas for the sale of spirits of
which number I hold one, having accepted it when the
spontaneously recommended me to do so. I have every reason to
believe that

the above is the result of a premeditated Scheme to obtain my withdrawal from the
Council, as the vacancy could be filled with
individuals more congenial to the wishes of the Hudson Bay Co.
Trusting for an impartial judgment
I have the honor to be Sir
Your most Obdt & Hble Servt
James Cooper
Member of Council
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Merivale
I should conceive that it would be advantageous for the interests of the
Colony to have an independent man like
Mr Cooper in the Council of
Couver's Island, and do not myself perceive that his being a Spirit
dealer is an objection in such a very limited Community & range of
choice as there must be in
the Island. But on referring to

933 you will
notice that although the Governor's despatch is dated more than a month
after the date of
Mr Cooper's Letter he offers no objection to that
gentleman's presence in the Council on the ground of his trade.
Governor has therefore probably thought better on the subject, and has
let it drop. In the meanwhile perhaps
Mr Cooper may be ans
thro' the Governor, that his Letter has been
recd, and that whenever

representation is preferred against him
the Duke of Newcastle will
give him every opportunity of defending himself before pronouncing a
decision on the case submitted to him.
Adding that considering the distance of
Vanc. Id and the recent
establishment of government there his Grace has thought it expedient to
take this notice of
Mr Cooper's letter although not transmitted
the Govr but that he wishes it

to be understood that in
future all parties having representations to make to him must conform to
the established rule of colonial correspondence.
Other documents included in the file