No. 4
Downing Street
4 February 1852
I have received and perused with satisfaction your Despatch of the
31st October last, reporting upon the general state of the
settlement of
Vancouvers Island.
I approve of your selection of
Mr Frederic [Roderick] Finlayson
to fill the office of Councillor, and the necessary Warrant for his
appointment will be transmitted to you by an
early opportunity.
I have also brought under the notice of the Church Missionary
Society your observations respecting the moral instruction of the Native
Tribes, with a view to ascertaining whether it may not be in the power
of the Society to send out Missionaries to the Settlement.
With regard to the discovery of Gold on the West Coast of
Charlotte's Island, I do not consider that it would be
expedient to
issue any prohibitions against the resort thither of Foreign Vessels.
Were there no other objection to such a step it would be a sufficient
reason against it that Her Majesty's Government are not prepared to send
there a force to give effect to the prohibition.
I am Sir
Your most obedient Servant