No. 6
Downing Street
18th December 1852
I have to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch of the
of August last, reporting the result of a Canoe Expedition which you had
made along the East Coast of
the Island.
I have brought your recommendation with respect to the exploration
and Survey of the Coast under the notice of the Lords Commissioners of
the Admiralty, and their Lordship's are of opinion that preparatory to
making any Survey it would be desirable that some competent persons
should make themselves acquainted with the pilotage of the principal
Channels and Ports of the District, with the view of inducing Vessels to
proceed there for the Coal or other
In furtherance of this suggestion I have to instruct you to take
any steps in your power for giving effect to it, and should it be found
that the navigation of the
Arro Archipelago is practicable for large
Vessels, the Coal working profitable, and the embarkation easy, it will
no doubt be eventually desirable for Her Majesty's Government to
undertake an adequate survey of its Harbors and approaches.
I have the honor to be Sir,
Your most obedient humble servant
I have etc.
John S. Pakington