No 9, Miscellaneous
24th October 1853
My Lord Duke
Since I had last the honor of addressing your Grace on the 26th
of July, nothing has occurred to interrupt, in any manner, the peace of
this Colony, and our relations with all the Indian tribes around
continue on the most friendly footing.
I devoted a part of the month of
August last to the exploration of
the east coast of
Vancouver's Island, being also desirous of seeing and
entering into closer intercourse with the native Tribes residing in that
part of the Colony.
In course of that excursion it was ascertained that the settlements
may be extended in that direction with great advantage, there being much
valuable land, with timber of the largest dimensions and decided
indications of the existence of Coal, and other minerals in almost every
part of the coast between
Point Mudge &
We also observed that the Natives had abundance of fish, and
appeared to live in the midst of plenty, and comparative comfort.
They still retain much of their natural ferocity of disposition and
dishonest habits, as we had opportunities of remarking that they coveted
every thing that attracted their attention, and invariably sought by
force or fraud to gain their object.
They were very communicative on all matters relating to the state
and condition of the Tribe, and gave a very flattering account of the
beauty and fertility of the country they inhabit, with the view of
prevailing upon us to form a white settlement there, from which they
would commercially derive much advantage.
The native population of the
District we visited which includes
about 70 miles of Coast, numbered as nearly as we could ascertain about
2,200 souls.
One of the Tribes the "Laculta" have acquired the reputation of
being the greatest marauders on
Vancouver's Island and are consequently
with good reason dreaded by all their neighbours. In my different
communications with them, I endeavoured to impress upon their minds,
that they must in future, live honestly and dwell in peace with their
neighbours, as the time was at hand, when every act of rapine or
violence, would be restrained or punished.
On my return from that excursion I spent a few days at the Hudson's
Bay Company's establishment at
Nanaimo, and examined the Coal works
commenced there about a twelve month since.
Their success considering the means employed have been
extraordinary. A most valuable bed of Coal averaging 7 feet in
thickness, has been laid open at the depth of 50 feet below the surface
of the ground, and galleries are now run through the Coal, sufficient in
extent, to afford working room for at least 100 miners. There were then
about ten Coal miners at work; who, were each producing at the rate of 2
tons of Coal for each working day. The Hudson's Bay Company are about
sending out a large body of Colliers from North Britain, who will find
very profitable employment at
Nanaimo, as with an ordinary degree of
industry, they can readily earn from ten to twelve shillings a day, with
a free house.
Under those circumstances
Nanaimo will soon become a port of the
greatest importance, and the centre of a flourishing trade, which will
greatly contribute to the increase of wealth and population.
I am happy to inform your Grace that the grain crops were secured
in good condition, and the Farmers are generally satisfied with the
returns of the land, which in many instances have been equal to thirty
bushels of wheat to the statute acre, and other kinds of grain yielded
proportionally well.
There will nevertheless be a deficiency of bread stuffs for the
consumption of the Colony, which must be supplied by importations from
abroad, but I am in hopes that after this year, there will be
no drain
on our resources for the purchase of food.
The settlement of the country has made some progress during the
past year, notwithstanding the many inducements which the labouring
classes have to turn their attention to other pursuits which yield a
larger present return for labour, than the slow, though more certain
profits derived from the cultivation of the land.
A late census shows, that the number of Stock and tillage farms now
in progress in this Colony is thirty one, and they will all be in
cultivation next year, and will I trust produce food enough for the
By a return from the Surveyor's Office, I observe that about 16028
acres of land, have been sold and transferred to private hands, and that
about 3023 acres have been registered by different persons for purchase,
making, up to the
6th of October 1853, a total of 19051 acres,
actually sold or registered for purchase.
Extract for Land B
d. [
The exports of Coal and Timber, cut from the public lands, may be
assumed from the following statement of duties
collected on account of
Royalties up to the beginning of
October 1853 viz
1730 tons of Coal @ 2/6 216.5.0
563 loads of Timber @ 10
d 23.9.2
That return shews the quantity of timber only which was cut for
exportation on the public lands, but a far greater quantity has been
exported by persons who have purchased tracts of wood—land on which no
duty is levied.
I herewith beg to enclose a statement of the number and tonnage of
British and Foreign vessels that have entered in the Ports of this
Colony, from the 16th November 1852, to the 12th October 1853, a
period of nearly eleven months which shows a satisfactory improvement in
trade as compared with the trade of 1852.
There has been a very large assemblage of the native tribes at this
place, to attend a feast given by the chief of the Tribe who reside in
the vicinity of
Victoria. The numbers present were estimated at 3000
persons, and about 1000 of those were able men well armed and equipped
for war. Though
I had no reason to suspect any hostile designs upon the
settlements, I put the settlers on their guard against a treacherous
attack, and sent an official note to
Captain Houstoun of Her Majesty's
Ship "
Trincomalee," then on the point of leaving this coast, requesting
that he would defer his departure for a few days, until the concourse of
savages should break up, and return to their respective homes, which he
kindly complied with. The meeting broke up yesterday and the Indians
have since quietly dispersed; the "
Trincomalee," will now sail for the
Port of
San Francisco with the first favourable opportunity and will I
trust be re-appointed to this station, as from the character and numbers
of the Native Tribes on
Vancouver's Island, the Colony should not be
left without the protection of a Naval Force.
The District School of
Victoria was opened in the early part of
this month, under the superintendence of
Mr Robert Barr who resides
on the premises, and has 33 pupils, who are making satisfactory
progress. A school has also been opened at
Nanaimo at the expense of
the Hudson's
Bay Company for the training and education of the youth of
that place.
The foundation of the Victoria Church, laid in stone, was lately
finished, and the timber for the body of the Church, is hewn and drawn
from the woods, but we have not as yet found any mechanic disposed to
undertake the construction of the whole edifice, and we shall therefore
have to do it by degrees, with hired labourers.
The Right
Honble His Grace The
Duke of Newcastle
Her Majesty's principal Secretary of State
For the Colonial Department
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Merivale
Acknowledge? The account of the Coal is satisfactory. The statement of
the quantity of land sold might be sent to the Land & Emi
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
"An account of the Number and Tonnage of Vessels entered Inwards,
November 16th 1852 to
October 12th 1853," in the "Port of
12 October 1853, signed by
J. Sangster, Collector.
Other documents included in the file
Draft, Colonial Office to Land and Emigration Commission, 18 January 1854, forwarding copy of the despatch.
People in this document
Barr, Robert
Douglas, Sir James
Halksworth, William
Houstoun, Captain Wallace
Jadis, Vane
Merivale, Herman
Peel, Sir Frederick
Pelham-Clinton, 5th Duke of Newcastle Henry Pelham Fiennes
Sangster, James
Vessels in this document
HMS Trincomalee, 1817 - present
Places in this document
Cape Mudge
San Francisco
Vancouver Island