Public Offices document.
Minutes (1), Enclosures (untranscribed) (1).
Barclay writes to Peel, on behalf of the “Governor and Committee” of the HBC, to transmit, for Newcastle’s information, a copy of Douglas’s letter from November 5th, 1852.
In the minutes, Blackwood notes that the information in Douglas’s letter has already reached the Colonial Office.
This file encloses a correspondence from Douglas to Barclay, which reports on the murder of Peter Brown.
I am directed by the Governor and Committee of the Hudson's Bay
Company to transmit to you herewith, for the information of the Duke of
Newcastle, a Copy of a letter received by them from James Douglas
Esqre dated Fort VictoriaNovember 5th 1852.
I have the honour to be Sir,
Your most obedt Servant
Archd Barclay Secy