I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt on the
16th Inst
of your Circular Despatch, dated the
11th April 1854, transmitting,
the following instruments.
st A copy of
the Queen's order in Council of the
29th March directing that a general embargo be made of all Russian ships and vessels in any
of the Ports Harbours or Roads in Her Majesty's Dominions together with all persons
and effects on board such Ships and vessels.
nd A copy of another and Second order of
the Queen in
Council of the
29th March ordering that Russian Merchant vessels in
any Ports or Places within Her Majestys Dominions shall be allowed until
10th day of May next, (six weeks from the date of such order,)
for loading their cargoes, and departing from such Ports or Places.
rd A copy of a third order of
the Queen in Council dated the
7th April directing that Russian Merchant vessels, which at the time
of publication of the said order, shall be in any Port or Places, within
any of Her Majesty's Foreign or Colonial Possessions, shall be allowed
thirty days, from the time of the publication of that Order in such
Foreign or Colonial Possessions, for loading their cargoes, and
departing from such Ports or Places.
According to your Grace's instructions I have this day published
this last order, by causing copies of it to be exposed in the several
Districts of this Colony.