The Duke of Newcastle
VanCouver's Island was granted to the Hudson's Bay C
o on the
13 Jany 1849.
The grant was made for the declared purpose of promoting the
colonization of
the Island; & accordingly it is provided in the
Letters Patent conveying the grant that all monies realized by
the Company for the sale of Land or of Coal or other Minerals
should, after a deduction of 1/10
th by way of profit to the
Company, be applied towards the colonization & improvement of
the Island.

What the C
o have done in the way of Colonization
down to
Novr 1852 the annexed P.P. (83) will
exhibit to Your Grace without the necessity of repetition.
Since that date a certain number of miners have been sent out to
the Colony, who are now employed in developing its mineral resources.
Provision was made in the Grant that if the C
o should not
within 5 years from the date of the grant have established on
the Island a settlement of resident Colonists,

emigrants from
the United Kingdom or other British Dominions, the Crown
be at liberty to revoke the grant [marginal note: See P.P. 103,
P. 16]. But it was also declared that this failure on the part
of the Company must be ascertained by a person appointed for the
purpose by the Crown, and "certified". As the company have not
been formally charged with neglecting this requirement, & no
person has yet been appointed to enquire into the condition of
the Colony the inference is that they have not brought

themselves within the terms and penalty specified in the grant.
It is however certain that the five years expired on the
Jany last, & that the Crown had then the power, if it chose to
exercise it, of instituting an enquiry into the state of the
Island to ascertain if all the conditions of the Grant had
been fulfilled.
Land is sold in
VanCouver's Island at £1 per acre under
regulations of the Company which the
Govt have not the power of

interfering with. Those regulations require that purchasers of
Lands should introduce settlers. Lately the Company have agreed
to relax their rules on this subject and not to require
purchasers of so small a quantity of Land as 100 acres to
introduce Laborers. In answer to the comparison instituted by
persons opposed to the Hudson's Bay C
o between the system of
disposing of Land in
V.C. Island & the adjoining possessions

the United States it is maintained that the effect of free
grants is to enhance the value of labor—that in
Oregon, where
free grants are made, great complaints exist as to the high
price of Labor, and that the public is better off in that respect
in the British than in the United States' settlement.
With reference to the charges of monopoly it is proper to
observe that the C
o do not really

exercise any monopoly
whatever within the limits of the Colony or it's dependencies,
Every branch of business being unreservedly free & open to all
parties who may choose to embark therein. It is true that the
H.B. C
o do nearly all the business, but that arises from their
having superior goods for sale, & their selling them at lower
prices than other Importers of English Merchandize, & not from
any exclusive privilege or protection enjoyed by

their Agents in
the Colony. Though the Company always affirm that trade in the
Island is practically free Your Grace is well aware that they
have the exclusive right of trading with the Indians
in furs; but that the Crown has power to revoke that right whenever
any portion of the Territories over which the license to trade
extends becomes Settled. See last clause but one of the license
of 1838—P.P. 547, P 11.
It has been alleged that the Council (which consists of 4
persons) is composed almost exclusively of the Servants of the
H.B.C. This is, no doubt, true: but the reason is that the
present population of the settlement is not possessed of
sufficient education to enable the Governor to make selections
out of any other class.

However one Member, a
Mr Cooper, does
not belong to the Company's service.
The Establishment consists of the Governor
4 Members of Council
4 Magistrates
1 Surveyor
A Collector of Customs
A Clergyman (though there is no Church yet built,
one is in Contemplation)
and a Schoolmaster
The last grant to the Hudson's Bay Company

of the Exclusive
trade with the Indians in B.N.A. was made on the
30 of May 1838
for a period of 21 years. The license consequently expires on
30th May, 1859, when the
Govt may repurchase the land on
repayment of the sums expended by the Company & the value of
their Establishments.