20th April 1854
To His Grace
The Duke of Newcastle
Her Majesty's Secretary
for the Colonies
&c &c &c
Your Grace
A catastrophe of the most melancholy kind has rendered it imperative
on us, as a Committee elected, to act in the matter on which we have the
honor of addressing you, by our fellow Colonists, to wait upon your Grace
with the prayer of the independent residents of this Island for
protection from the arbitrary and unconstitutional enactments of the
present Governor.
Situated as we are at so Great a distance from the Imperial
Government, & feeling that the most certain and speedy way

of laying a
clear statement of our grievances before Your Grace, would be by securing
the presence in England of some member of our Community to whom we might
entrust our Cause, the Colonists, at a meeting held on the
4th Feby
(Ulto) for the purpose of arranging the preliminaries of the proposed
step, unanimously selected the
Revd R.J. Staines, Chaplain to the Hudsons
Bay Co for this Island, as the most proper person to proceed to England
for the purpose of waiting on Your Grace.
This Gentleman, at the earnest request of the Colonists, undertook
the Commission, & sailed hence for
San Francisco, in route to England,
on the
1t March (Ulto), but never, as it has pleased the Almighty, to
reach his destination, the vessel having been discovered some short time

by a passing Ship in a waterlogged state, & but one of the crew
surviving to tell the sad fate of his fellows.
Deeply regretting as we do the untimely end of one who had the
interests of our infant Community so much at heart, & than whom none
could more efficiently have depicted the crushing effect of the incubus
under which our energies are paralysed, we at the same time are so well
assured of Your Graces earnest wish, as ever shewn, for the protection of
the true interests of this Colony, that in laying before you the
Documents with which our Delegate would have been charged, we do so with
a perfect Confidence that they will meet from Your Grace every
Consideration & attention, their importance entitles them to.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Merivale
The Ordinance referred to has been reported upon by
Sir F. Rogers.
His report [marginal note: (down stairs)] is dated the
20 ulto.
The last despatch from
Govr Douglas is dated the
28 March, & no
mention has been yet made by him of the subject of this complaint,
or the death of
Mr Staines.
As this Settlement is so distant we had perhaps better not wait for
the receipt of the Governor's report on this subject, but write to him at
once for it.
This may be done I think: but it is difficult to deal with such a
paper: because the memorialists specify no dates, names, or other
But I am much inclined to believe the time is come when the Governor
ought to be positively directed to summon an elective legislature.
This complaint certainly demands more enquiry. Is there any
information as to
Mr Cameron's qualifications?
Sir George Grey
We have no information as to
Mr Cameron's qualifications.
S. Thellusson
17th July/54.
Mr Colvile (
Govr of the H.B.Co.) could no doubt give
information about him.
Other documents included in the file
Draft reply,
Grey to
Douglas, No. 3,
20 August 1854, memorial, in protest of
Cameron's appointment.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Colonists of
Vancouver Island to
1 March 1854, memorial
protesting the appointment of
Cameron and other arbitrary acts of the
governor. (6 pages, 70 signatures).
People in this document
Banfield, William “Eddy”
Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone
Cameron, David
Colvile, Andrew Wedderburn
Cooper, James
Douglas, Sir James
Grey, Right Honorable, Second Baronet, Sir George
Langford, Edward Edwards
Merivale, Herman
Peel, Sir Frederick
Pelham-Clinton, 5th Duke of Newcastle Henry Pelham Fiennes
Rogers, Baron Blachford Frederic
Skinner, Reverend Thomas James
Staines, Reverend Robert John
Victoria, Queen Alexandrina
Yates, James
Places in this document
San Francisco
Vancouver Island