Military [No. 1]
Downing Street
5th August 1854
I have received your despatch N
o 27 of the
16th May, reporting the measures which you would recommend for placing
Vancouver’s Island in a position to repel any hostile attack and accompanied by a requisition having
for its object the armament, equipment,
and victualling for 12 months of a Military Force of 500 men to be raised in the
Colony, together with a supply of some light and heavy pieces of Ordinance (with ammunition
&c) for defensive Batteries.
Her Majesty’s Government deem it to be at once both unnecessary and inadvisable to
accede to this requisition.
The lords of the Admiralty have already, at the instance of
the Duke of Newcastle, given
such directions to the Admiral on the Station as will secure the Islands being frequently
visited by one or more of the Ships of War under his Command, and Her Majesty’s Government
consider that there is nothing in the present circumstances of the war with Russia
to forbid the hope and expectation that the countenance which will be thus afforded
will not amply suffice for the
protection of the Island.
I have the honor to be, Sir,
Your Most obedient Humble Servant
G. Grey