I have to acknowledge the receipt of your Lordships Despatch No 2
of the
20th of June last; transmitting the copy of a letter with its
enclosures, addressed by the
Earl of Clarendon, to the Lords
Commissioners of the Admiralty, relative to the arrangement entered into
with the Russian American Company, for the reciprocal neutrality of the
two nations, so far as regards the possessions
and ships of the Hudson's
Bay Company, and the Russian American Company, on the north west coast
of America.
I have to thank your Lordship most sincerely for your kindness in
forwarding those Documents, which contain information of a nature so
very important to the material interests of the inhabitants of this
Colony, and which will moreover have the effect of allaying their fears
and inspiring confidence in the wisdom and foresight of the measures
adopted by Her Majesty's Government for the protection of this Colony.
I shall therefore make the substance of those Documents known to the