Permit me to call your attention to the importance of making
Vancouver's Island a British colony in reality, and without delay. To
continue its present sleepy existence in connection with the Hudson's
Bay Company is a dangerous waste of time. It is the key-stone of our
Western American possessions, and its commanding position with respect
to Russia on the one side and the United States on the other, to the
North Pacific and even to the eastern coast of Asia, is a sufficient
reason for developing such a valuable acquisition, independently of its
temperate climate, its excellent harbours, its coal and other minerals.
When in California on my way home from New Zealand
I had opportunities
of acquiring much information respecting our North Western American
possessions and it surprised all thinking men in that country that they
should be allowed to remain comparatively dormant. But late events shew
that it is now more than ever essential that a colony be established
which shall be in a vigorous state by the termination of the Russian
war. A naval depot here would also obviate the necessity of our ships
resorting to the foreign port of
San Francisco.
Vancouver's Island could be colonized without entailing any expense
on the Mother country. I feel assured that by adopting a liberal and
attractive system nothing more than
a two year's loan would be
necessary to permanently establish a flourishing and self-paying colony
there. In addition to British emigration, by allowing foreign settlers
to naturalize without unnecessary obstacles, there are numbers of
respectable American families who being disgusted with the lawlessness
of California, would proceed thither, and carry with them what they so
thoroughly understand—the art of developing
a new country.
I trust, Sir, you will forgive my intruding these suggestions on
your notice, and that you will accept as my excuse the suddenly
increased importance of a subject which has interested me for the last
four years.
I have the honour to remain Sir,
Your most obedient Servant
Henry Weekes
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Merivale
I have an impression that
Mr Weekes is a Geologist by profession—&
that he is an independent man in opinion. The subject he addresses
W. Molesworth upon has, as you are well aware, been at different times,
& I might say is still under the cons
n of this Office, but it will be
impossible to make a governmental establishment, independent of the
Hudson's Bay C
o, without a Parl
y vote for a while—& the writer's
suggestion of a 2 year's loan is equivalent to a gift.
Other documents included in the file
Draft, Colonial Office to
4 October 1855, acknowledging his