I have recently arrived from
Victoria VanCouvers Island, at which
place I have been most maliciously and cruelly persecuted by the
authorities there, the
Honble Hudson's Bay Company, who at the same
time are the representatives of the British Government,
Mr James
Douglas is Governor, Chief Factor of H.B. Company, and was also my
Agent. I assure your Honourable Sir this Colony is far worse than a
foreign Port for any british subjects to reside in or go to, to trade,
on account of the most despotic arbitrary power these Gentlemen are
invested with, for proof of these assertions,
Honble Sir, you may get
every individuals statement residing there.
I am part owner of a beautiful new ship "
Colinda", also Master. I
was chartered by the H.B. Company to proceed from
London (in
1853) to
Victoria with passengers and merchandise, through the loose
manner of the Company's Servants on departure and promises made to the
passengers by them it created a tissue of grievances which was out of my
power to control, it finally produced mutiny of them and so led to the
following persecutions against me by this arbitrary Company, my ship was
fitted out at 11000, Ship and outfitt,
on my arrival at Victoria my
ship was taken in a very illegal manner from me, I was cast into a den
of a Prison not fit for a dog Kennel and kept there 4 months and 9 days
at their mock Courts, I was interrogated privately no persons being
admitted. I was kept in solitary confinement 2 months at which
expiration Mr Douglas seized the "Colinda" in the Queens Name also
seizeing, all my own effects, instruments, Vouchers, and every article
belonging to me leaving me perfectly destitute the ship was converted
into a brothel for prostitutes and drunkards, and in place of selling
the ship to pay them—
—selves their false charges alleged, they are making
use of the ship to convey Coals to California my deliverance from Gaol
was a verbal message from
Mr Cameron Mr Douglas brother in law by
the mouth of the gaoler to inform me I had no occasion to remain in
gaol, having kept me locked up 4 M[on]ths & 9 days.
It was impossible to get any redress in
Victoria as there is not a
disinterested person from the company's servants in the place, and
nothing whatever in the shape of a lawyer, and yet these persons affect
to be first rate lawyers. They are on their own side, and in their
Truck system, and here in
London it is quite out of my power to go to
law with such a Princely company. I have therefore humbly petitioned to
you, Right Honourable Sir, in hopes that you may take a consideration of
the usage I have had to endure and will be the instigation of having a
Public Investigation of the whole at which I shall be most happy to
attend before any tribunal to answer all things—the best of British
subjects are driven to leave their country by such lawless actions from
large companies.
I have the Honour to remain Honourable Sir
Your most humble & Obedient Servant
John Powell Mills
Master of Barque
Colinda of
London 581 tons register
Capt. Mills
direct opposite the entrance of Her Majesty's Victualling
Yard, Deptford, Kent
l Tuesday 9th January 1855
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Merivale
Refer to the
Govr for a report and acquaint the Writer?
This is all that can be done.
Yes. The
Colinda is alluded to in the Despatch 4064—annexed.
Other documents included in the file
Peel to
17 January 1855, advising
Douglas had been
instructed to report on the case.
Draft, Colonial Office to
3 August 1855, stating
report had been received and that the proceedings taken against him were
deemed to be "in the course of law."
People in this document
Cameron, David
Douglas, Sir James
Grey, Right Honorable, Second Baronet, Sir George
Jadis, Vane
Merivale, Herman
Mills, Captain John Powell
Peel, Sir Frederick
Victoria, Queen Alexandrina
Vessels in this document
Places in this document
Vancouver Island