No. 1
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of
Sir William Molesworth's Despatches, of the dates mentioned in the margin,
[Separate?] 24 September 1855.
Circulars 20 and 22 September; 4 October 1855, agreeing to follow Douglas's suggestions to cut postage costs.
with their enclosures.
I will take the liberty of remarking for the information of Her
Majesty's Government; that the enclosures above referred to consisting
of 4 copies of Blank Returns, of
which the Annual Blue Book is composed, for the year
1855, made up a parcel of considerable weight, and the
Postal charge at the United States Post Office in
Puget's Sound came to
the sum of 68 88/100 dollars equal to 14.7.0 Sterling.
I would in consequence of that prodigious rate of charge, take the
liberty of suggesting, that the Despatches of Her Majesty's Government,
and all printed Enclosures, not exceeding the weight of 16 ounces,
should, in all cases as at present, be forwarded to this Colony, by the
Panama Mail Route; and that Books and Printed Forms, when exceeding the
weight of 16 ounces, except on occasions of great urgency, should be
sent to the Hudson's Bay House, to be forwarded by the Hudson's Bay
Company's Ships to this place; or the parcels might equally well be
forwarded by any of Her Majesty's Ships proceeding to the Pacific.
I have the honor to be Sir
Your most obedient humble Servant
James Douglas
The Right Honble
Her Majesty's principal Secretary of State
For the Colonial Department
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
It is unfortunate that these blank forms should have cost so much
postage. The mode of transmission is that hitherto recommended by the
Governor for communications from this Office. Ans
r that in future
documents exceeding the weight mentioned will be sent, as he wishes,
thro' the H.B.C
o or the Admiralty.
I think that the heavy charges for Postage are sometimes forgotten
in sending large parcels through foreign post offices e.g. the overland
mail via
Other documents included in the file