No. 19
In my letter No 15 of the
22nd of July I made known to Her
Majesty's Government that a not unreasonable degree of alarm existed in
the minds of the inhabitants of this Colony, in consequence of the great
number of northern Indians congregated in the settlements. A gang of
Queen Charlotte Islanders, who had been several months
resident here,
soon after the date of that communication, attacked and nearly destroyed
a native "Cowegin" village situated about 50 miles north of this place.
The "Cowegins" few in number fought desperately and were all slaughtered
on the spot; and the assailants made off toward their own country with a
number of captive women and children.
When tidings of that disaster reached the Colony, the remaining
northern Indians, though still numerous were greatly alarmed, and the
Cowegins incensed by the loss of their friends, were only restrained
from attacking them en masse, by their respect for Her Majesty's
Government, and the dread of giving us offence. They however hovered on
the borders of the settlements, and shot every northern Indian without
respect to Tribe or person, who ventured abroad. In those circumstances
it became
necessary to apply a remedy, as the excited passions of the
hostile savages would have eventually brought on a collision within the
limits of the settlements, where the northern Indians had assembled for
protection, and they were afraid to leave the Colony as the route to
their distant homes leads directly through the "Cowegin" Country. There
was also great cause to fear that so large a number of Indians united by
a common sense of danger, if permitted to leave in a collective body,
would in all probability, from a feeling of their own strength, become
dangerous, and commit numberless depredations on the less powerful
native Tribes of
Vancouver's Island, who might be surprised and cut off
in detail.
I therefore adopted a plan which without displeasing the Cowegin
Tribe, was considered by the northern Indians as a mark of peculiar
favor; this was to despatch them on their return homeward, under the
escort of the Hudson's Bay Company's Steamer "
Otter," and according to
that arrangement, fifteen large canoes manned with about 300 northern
Indians were sent away from this place on the morning of the
7th of
August, and were conducted as far as
River de Grullas, about 150 miles
north of
Victoria, where they were left to make their own way. The
Colony was thus delivered from the greater number of the northern Tribes
who have been resident at this place since the end of spring, and I am
in hopes they will not renew their visits next year, in bodies so
Admiral Bruce proposes to prolong his stay till the first week in
September, and one of the ships will remain here after his departure for
the protection of the Colony.
The House of Assembly was opened on the 12th of the present
month. The affair passed off quietly, and did not appear to excite much
interest among the lower orders.
J.S. Helmcken has been elected speaker of the House, but nothing
further has been done; in consequence of objections having been raised
to the validity of the election in one instance, and to the property
qualification in two cases, making three out of the seven members,
against whose return, petitions have been sent in, leaving only the
speaker and three members at liberty to act, and that number is
insufficient to form a Committee of enquiry, the House therefore hardly
know how to get over the difficulty. One of the petitions is evidently
got up for mere party purposes, and if that were withdrawn
there would
be four members and the speaker, who might proceed to regulate the
affairs of the house. In the Territorial Governments of the United
States, the practice in such cases, is for the Governor to grant
certificates of qualification to a majority of the Members; who then
proceed to constitute the house, but I am not certain if such a course
would be in harmony with English law; nevertheless if the House should
appeal to me on the subject, I will have recourse to that expedient.
I have the honor to be Sir
Your most obedient humble Servant
James Douglas
The Right
Honble Henry Labouchere Esq
Her Majesty's principal Secretary of State
For the Colonial Department.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Merivale
Approve, I presume, of the measures taken by the Governor for
getting rid of the Northern Indians, and approve also his speech
on opening the two Houses of the Legislature.
The Governor seems to differ very much from his employers the
HBC about the advantages of the Reciprocity Treaty.
I am sure I do not know how he is to get over the difficulty
about constituting a quorum of his House of Assembly but we can
only say that we wait for his next report on that subject.
Other documents included in the file
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Speech by
Douglas opening the Legislative Assembly,
12 August 1856.
People in this document
Ball, John
Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone
Bruce, Vice Admiral Henry William
Douglas, Sir James
Helmcken, John S.
Houstoun, Captain Wallace
Kennedy, John Frederick
Labouchere, Henry
Langford, Edward Edwards
Merivale, Herman
Muir, John
Pemberton, Joseph Despard
Skinner, Reverend Thomas James
Yates, James
Vessels in this document
HMS Alarm, 1845-1904
HMS Brisk, 1851-1870
HMS Monarch, 1832-1866
Otter, 1852-1861
HMS Trincomalee, 1817 - present
Places in this document
Cowichan Region
Englishman River
Esquimalt Harbour
Haida Gwaii
Vancouver Island