No. 30
1. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch No
16 of the
23rd of August in reply to my commmunications No 12 and 14
of the
22nd May, and the
7th of June last, reporting my
proceedings in respect to carrying out the instructions contained in
your Despatch of the
28th of February 1856, for convoking
Legislative Assembly in this Colony, and requesting advice and
instructions, from you on various subjects connected with that measure.
2. I have since in my several Despatches of the numbers and
dates mentioned in the margin,
No. 15, 22 July, and No. 19, 20 August 1856.
reported to you the several steps taken towards carrying those
instructions into effect, and the formal opening of the House of
Assembly on the
12th day of August last, together with the objections
raised to the property qualification of certain members, who took their
seats on that occasion and the consequent difficulty experienced in
organizing the House.
3. After repeated adjournments the speaker with much tact and
address, finally succeeded, without my interference, in adjusting party
differences, and
forming a committee, which immediately proceeded with
an inquiry into the qualifications of the Members elect, and declared
the return of
Edward E Langford null and void, in consequence of his not
having sufficient property to constitute a legal qualification, and then
adjourned to the
24th day of October (present).
5. The House met on the 24th day of the present month (October)
and after some necessary arrangements adjourned to the 13th day of
November next, when they will be prepared for serious work.
6. Those
6. Those delays have not been without their use, as the Members
have had time to prepare for the proper discharge of the public duties
they have to perform, and their minds have been dis-abused of many false
notions, which were commonly entertained here, concerning the powers and
jurisdiction of the House of Assembly, so that on the whole I do not
regret the time spent in constituting the House.
7. I observe with satisfaction that in abiding by the terms of my
Commission, in respect to the franchise I have acted in conformity with
the instructions, on that point, contained in your Despatch, and we
shall further carry out your instructions by bringing a measure before
the Assembly, when it is found desirable to extend the suffrage.
I have the honor to be Sir
Your most obedient humble Servant
James Douglas
The Right
Honble Henry Labouchere Esq
Her Majesty's principal Secretary of State
For the Colonial Department.
Other documents included in the file