Draft, Ball to John Shepherd, Hudson's Bay Company, 15 March 1856,
forwarding the enclosures and asking if there were any objections to the
expected American counter proposal.
15th March 1856
I am directed by
Mr Secretary Labouchere to request that you
will lay before the Directors of the Hudson's Bay Company the enclosed
letter addressed to this Department by order of the
Earl of Clarendon,
transmitting copy of a Despatch from Her Majesty's Minister at
Washington relative to the extension of the Reciprocity Treaty with the
United States to
Vancouver's Island: the provisions of which are embodied
in the Act of Parliament 18
th Vict: C. 3.
I am to request that the Directors will inform
Mr Labouchere whether they see any objection to the acceptance by Her Majesty's
Government of the Counter propositions which in the opinion of
Mr Crampton may probably be put forward by the American Government.
2. J.F. Crampton to Clarendon, No. 38, 18 February 1856, stating the Americans would likely counter any British proposals to extend the
Reciprocity Treaty.
Feb: 18, 1856
My Lord,
I did not fail, in obedience to the instructions contained in Y.
Ldp's Despatch 189 of
Sep: last, to bring under the attention of the
U. State's
Govt the desire of H.M.
Govt that the terms of the
Reciprocity Treaty of
June 1854 shd now be applied to
Island, in addition to the other British North American Colonies therein.
Mr Marcy, when I first alluded to this subject, remarked that
before he could form any opinion in regard to the Expediency of such a
measure it
wd be necessary for him to consult some of the
Representatives in Congress of the States and Territories who might
be supposed to be more particularly interested in the matter.
Congress having since been assembled and at length organised, I took
an opportunity to bring the subject again under
Mr Marcy's attention,
and to explain to him the mutual advantages which might be expected
from a reciprocal trade between
Vancouver's Island and the neighbouring
parts of the U. States: and I also stated to him that the objection,
which had been raised on the part of H.M.
Govt in
1854 to the
cession of the right of fishing on the shores of the British Territories
on the Pacific had, as far as the shores of
Vancouver's Island were
concerned, been removed.
Y. Ldp will probably recollect that at an early stage in the
negotiation of the Reciprocity Treaty
Mr Marcy himself proposed to me
that the engagements of the Treaty, more especially as regarded the
shd be extended to the British Possessions and the
U.S. Territories on the Pacific Coast of this Continent: but that this
was objected to by H.M.
Govt on the ground that the British
Possessions on that Coast having been granted by Charter to the Hudsons'
Bay Company together with all Royalties and Rights thereunto
appertaining, it was out of the power of H.M.
Govt to cede any such
Rights by Treaty.
A mere mistake, see minutes on 5433.
Shd the U. States'
Govt now think it expedient to enter upon
negotiations for embracing
Vancouver's Island in the provisions of the
Treaty, I think it probable that they
wd propose to include likewise
therein the other possessions of the two Countries on the Pacific Coast;
and they will not, I apprehend, fail to ask for a concession of the right
of fishing on the Coasts of the mainland of the British Possessions,
and on those of
Queen Charlotte's Island, as well as on those of
Vancouver's Islands; it might therefore perhaps be well that I
shd be
in possession of the views of H.M.
Govt in regard to this matter
before such negotiation
shd be commenced.
I have in the meantime addressed a note to
Mr Marcy of which
I have the honor to enclose a Copy, embodying the proposal of H.M.
Govt in regard to
Vancouver's Island, with a view to its being
brought under the consideration of the U. States'