No. 10
Downing Street,
14th May 1856
I have received your Despatch N
o 4 of the
7th of March last
enclosing the copy of a petition presented to you by a deputation of the
inhabitants of
Vancouver's Island praying that a ship of war may be
despatched there.
It affords me satisfaction
to be able to inform you that foreseeing
the importance of protecting the Settlement from attack I called the
attention of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to the subject in
February last and that the "
President" Frigate has in consequence been
ordered to repair to
Vancouver's Island.
I trust therefore that this measure of precaution will tend to
remove the apprehension expressed by the Inhabitants.
I have the honor to be Sir,
Your most obedient humble servant
H. Labouchere