No. 20
Downing Street
13th November 1856
I have to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatches N
os 20 and
21 of the
22d of August and the
6th of September last, reporting
the capture and execution of an Indian found guilty of attempting the
life of a British Settler in the
In the present instance I have no hesitation in approving your
proceedings, which the peculiar and aggravated circumstances of the case
appear to have justified, but I would remind you that the extreme
measure of sending an Armed Force against the Indian Tribes must be
resorted to with great caution, and only in a case which urgently
demands the adoption of such a course.
With reference to
what you say of the conduct of
Commander Connolly,
I have to inform you that I have sent copies of your Despatches to the
Board of Admiralty.
I have the honor to be Sir,
Your most obedient Humble Servant
H. Labouchere