No. 11
1. I herewith transmit for your information, copies of a
correspondence with
Commander Swartwout, commanding the United States
Steamer "
Massachusetts" on the subject of a reported assemblage of
Northern Indians, on
Vancouver's Island or in its
immediate vicinity,
preparatory to a combined hostile movement into the American Territory,
a report which he observes has given rise to much excitement and caused
great alarm among the inhabitants of
Washington Territory.
2. Not being aware that the northern Indians entertain the designs
imputed to them by such reports, and having recently received
intelligence from those parts of
Vancouver's Island which in the event
of a meditated attack upon the American Settlements, the Northern
Indians would probably select, as a rendezvous I feel
assured that no
such muster of Indians has taken place.
3. I stated my opinion, to that effect, in replying to
Swartwout's communication and also the arrival of a large party of
Northern Indians at this place.
4. I however refrained from giving a decided opinion as to their
future conduct or intentions, though I do not think that they meditate
evil against the whites, yet being the creatures of impulse, no sort of
confidence can be reposed in them.
5. Many other gangs of those savages to the number in all of 60
large canoes, have since arrived here: a number sufficiently
considering their character, and the weak state of the settlements.
They however continue quiet and submissive to all the police
regulations, which we have thought it proper to establish.
I have the honor to be Sir
Your most obedient humble Servant
James Douglas
The Right
Honble Henry Labouchere Esq
Her Majesty's principal Secretary of State
For the Colonial Department.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Merivale
I do not think that there is any positive occasion for communicating
this to the F.O. & H.B.C
o: but still you may deem it proper to
take that course.
Mr Fortescue
Governor Douglas's language & conduct have been such, I think, as to
inspire strong confidence in his judgment & power of managing cases like
this: still, considering the extreme weakness of his settlement, he may
be over powered or drawn against his will into the Indian war now raging
Washington Territory.
I think all the steps mentioned by
Mr Blackwood should be taken?
Other documents included in the file
Merivale to Secretary to the Admiralty,
10 July 1857,
forwarding copy of the despatch and enquiring into the disposition of
naval forces in the North Pacific.
Merivale to
E. Hammond, Foreign Office,
10 July 1857,
forwarding copy of the despatch.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Commander S. Swartwout, U.S. Navy, to
4 April 1857,
reporting rumours from
Bellingham Bay that a large gathering of Northern Indigenous forces on
Vancouver Island were planning to attack American settlements
and asking if "in your good judgment" there were any grounds for such
Douglas to
4 April 1857, replying that similar reports had circulated in
Victoria but he believed them to be unfounded.