I have the honor to report to you that considerable excitement has been occasioned
recently in this neighbourhood by the discovery of gold on
Frazers, &
Thompson’s Rivers, at about the position of the juncture of the latter with the former river, near
to 51
st parallel of north Latitude.
2. The reports concerning these new gold diggings are so contradictory that I am unable
to furnish you with any information upon which I can

depend. That gold exists is certain, & that it will be found in abundance seems to
be the opinion of all those who are capable of forming a judgement upon the subject,
but it is so obviously to the advantage of the surrounding community to circulate
exaggerated, if not altogether false reports, for the purpose of stimulating trade,
on creating monopolies, that it is most difficult to arrive at any correct conclusion,
or to obtain any reliable information; I have every reason to believe that the

Indians have traded some quantity of gold, with the officers of the Hudson’s Bay Co.,
& I am satisfied that individuals from this immediate neighbourhood who started off
to the diggings upon the first intelligence of their existence, have come back with
gold dust in their possession, & which they assert was washed by themselves, but whether
such be really the case, or whether it was traded from the Indians I am unable to
determine. These persons all declare that at the present moment altho’ the yield is
good, yet that there

is too much water in the rivers to admit of digging & washing to be carried on with
facility, but that when the water falls somewhat, as the summer advances, that the
field will be abundant. I am inclined myself to think that this information is not
far from the truth, for these persons after obtaining a fresh stock of provisions
have all returned to the diggings.
3. The excitement in
Vancouvers Island itself is quite insignificant compared to that
Washington &
Oregon Territories & in California, & which of course is increased by every possible means by interested
parties. The result has been that several 100 persons from American Territory have
already flocked to the newly reported auriferous regions, & by the last accounts fresh
Steamers & even Sailing Vessels were being chartered to convey passengers to
Puget Sound or to
Vancouver’s Island, whence they have to find their way to the diggings principally by Canoes. If this
emigration continues to a locality destitute

of the means of subsistence, & only to be reached with difficulty the lawlessness
the bloodshed, & the misery that will ensue is only too evident.
4. I forward herewith an extract from the “Pioneer & Democrat” newspaper of
16 April/50, published at
Washington Territory, from w
h the feeling in that neighbourhood will be seen. The statements made must not be received
as entirely correct for while the facilities for visiting the gold diggings are prominently
put forth the many difficulties

& dangers that will have to be encountered are carefully overlooked.
Olympia is situated in
Puget Sound, & would undoubtedly reap a rich harvest by an influx of population.
5. I have heard that all the Crews of the Ships in
Puget Sound have deserted, & have gone to the Diggings, I am happy to say that as yet I have
not lost a single man for the
“Satellite” since the information was received & I have every reason to hope that I may not be
unfortunate in this respect, altho’ doubtless soon the temptations to desert

will be of no ordinary character.