I have received and laid before my Lords Commissioners of the
Admiralty your Letter of the
26th Inst with its enclosure from
the Governor of
Vancouver Island, relative to a Steam Vessel
being stationed for the present at that Island to protect
British Interests, in consequence of the number of persons
resorting to the recently discovered Gold Fields in Her
Majesty's Dominions in North Western America in the
neighbourhood of
Frazer's River.
My Lords desire me to state for the information of Secretary
Sir E. Bulwer Lytton that orders will be sent to
Rear Admiral Baynes
the Commander in Chief of Her Majesty's Ships on the Pacific
Station either himself to proceed to
Vancouver Island, or to
select some Senior Officer to send thither, for the purpose of
ascertaining whether the Naval Force already stationed there is
sufficient for the support of the Civil Authority and the
protection of British Interests—and should the Force not be
considered sufficient the Rear Admiral will be instructed to
send such
in addition as he may deem to be necessary.