Hudson's Bay House
August 18th 1858
In reply I have the honour to state that there is no land in the vicinity of
Victoria that has not been acquired long ago, either by the Hudson's Bay Company, or by private
individuals, and I have no reason to believe that any public land has been disposed
of in the
shape of Town Lots. I am aware that there has been a considerable excitement with
respect to the sales of lands in the vicinity of
Victoria and
Esquimalt Harbour but as I have stated above, these transactions are not in Colonial land; nor do I
think that there is any quantity of land available for town lots that has not been
acquired years since by private parties.
In reply to your request that I should communicate any information on the sales of
public lands in
Vancouver's Island, I have the honour to refer you to a Return which I sent in on the
15th July last setting forth the quantity of land sold, the names of the several purchasers, and
the Districts in which each sales have been effected. That
return contains the latest accounts of the sales of Public Land, which have reached
I have also the honour to refer you to my letter of the
12th August, in which I Enclosed the regulations laid down by
Governor Douglas with regard to the sale of land.
I have the honour to be Sir,
Your mo. obedient humble
H.H. Berens
ty Govr
Minutes by CO staff

Mr Merivale.
I think that
Sir Edwd Lytton has written everything which can be said on this point, and, if so, that this Letter
may be laid aside for reference, when needed.
Lord Carnarvon
This is important, & corresponds very much with what I told you was my own suspicion
before—that the gains on sale of land in
Vanc. I. have been made by private sellers, not by the Company as users of the soil under
the grant. These sellers have quite a right to the benefit of their successful speculation.
One would however be curious to know whether any of the land purchased by the Company
Puget's Sound ditto)
as a private owner from itself as a public grantee has been resold, & participated in the rise. I question our being able to touch
the proceeds, in that case. Corresp. to L & Em. Com. for information.
I see little more that we could do, but since
Lord Derby sent the letter it would be well to send him
Mr Berens reply with our own despatch to the
Other documents included in the file