Hudsons Bay House
21st January 1858
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of
Mr Merivale's letter of the
20th Instant, communicating the result of the consideration which Her Majesty’s Government had
given to my letter of the
22nd December 1856, and adverting to the full attention paid to the Report of the Select Committee of
the House of Commons which inquired last Session into the State of the British possessions
under the administration of the Hudson’s Bay Company, detailing the conditions on
which Her Majesty’s Government are prepared to advise Her Majesty to renew the existing
License for a further term of twenty-one years, and informing me that if the Company
should signify their willingness to consent to these proposals Her
Majesty's Government will proceed forthwith to submit them to the local Government
of Canada for their consideration, and, in the event of their concurrence, will be
prepared to take the necessary measures for carrying them into effect.
In reply I beg leave to state that after full consideration with my Colleagues in
the Direction we shall be prepared to recommend to our Proprietary body,
st To agree to the reservation, as in the present License, of any Territories which
may be formed by Her Majesty’s Government into Colonies.
nd To agree to the proposed exception of
Vancouver’s Island from the License, and upon this subject we beg to refer you to the answer to the
communication which you have forwarded to us, conveying the views of Her Majesty’s
Government in relation thereto.

rd We concur on your suggestion that in the event of the Government of Canada declining
to be a party to the proposed reference of the Boundary question to the Judicial Committee
of the Privy Council upon the footing which Her Majesty’s Government are prepared
to recommend, and which this Company has already expressed their willingness to adopt,
the objects recommended by the Committee of the House of Commons may be attained by
another course, the detailed arrangements of which should be carried out under the
supervision of three Commissioners, one to be appointed by the Crown, one by the Canadian
Government, and one by the Hudson’s Bay Company.
I trust that the ready acquiescence of the Hudson’s Bay Company on the plan proposed
for meeting the requirements of the Canadian Government will be accepted

as an earnest of their desire to be on terms of harmony and friendship with their
Countrymen in Canada.
th In communicating this assent on the part of the Hudson’s Bay Company, it is, however,
right to notice that the Territories mentioned as those that may probably be first
desired by the Government of Canada, namely, the
Red River & Saskatchewan Districts, are not only valuable to the Hudson’s Bay Company as stations
for carrying on the Fur Trade, but that they are also of peculiar value to the Company
as being the only source from which the Company’s annual stock of provisions is drawn,
particularly the staple article of
Pemmican, a regular supply of which is absolutely necessary to enable the Officers of the
Company to transport their goods to the numerous inland and distant stations, and
to feed and maintain the people, both European and Indian, stationed thereat. It

s proper therefore that I should draw your attention to the fact that the ultimate
loss of these districts will most probably involve the Hudson’s Bay Company in very
serious difficulties, and cause a great increase of expense in conducting their trade.
The Company assumes that the Canadian Government will be responsible for the preservation
of peace and maintenance of law and order in all the territories ceded to them, and
that they will prevent lawless and dishonest adventurers from infringing from thence
the rights of the Company over the remaining portions of their territories.
th With respect to the 11
th paragraph of your letter, in which it is proposed that “Her Majesty’s Government
should be authorized at any time to grant licenses or leases, or in some other manner
which may be arranged by mutual consent, to

place parties engaging to prosecute mining operations or fisheries in possession of
the land required in any portion of our territory for the purpose, any territorial
rights of the Company notwithstanding” – assuming that the principles sta
tted in the 9
th paragraph, as applicable to cessions to Canada, apply equably to any cessions which
may take place in virtue of this 11
th Clause, I beg to state that we shall be prepared to recommend our Shareholders to
concur in this proposal.
th In conclusion allow me to refer to the sentiments expressed in the fifth and last
paragraphs of my letter of the 18
th July last, as
explanatory of the continued views of myself and colleagues. We are willing to enter
upon a new tenure of our engagements under the renewed License upon being assured
of the Support of Her Majesty’s Government

and of the cordial co-operation of the neighbouring Government of Canada in maintaining
tranquillity and order among the Indian Tribes, and protecting the frontiers of the
whole adjacent British Territories from foreign encroachment.
The interests of the Hudson’s Bay company, we are convinced, are closely united with
the real prosperity of Canada, and we trust that the humane and beneficent objects
of Her Majesty’s Government will prosper under our united exertions.
I have the honour to be Sir,
Your obed
t humble Servant
John Shepherd
Other documents included in the file
Draft, Colonial Office to HBC,
22 January 1858, forwarding
Shepherd's despatch.