Public Offices document.
Minutes (2), Enclosures (untranscribed) (2), Other documents (1).
Shepherd forwards to the Colonial Office a copy of a letter from Douglas which “gives a satisfactory account of the progress of the Colony during the past
year” and a report from Pemberton on his survey of the Cowichan Valley.
The minutes acknowledge receipt and note that Pemberton’s account of the Cowichan Valley is “very tempting.”
I have the honour to enclose for your information, copy of a
letter lately received from Governor Douglas, dated Victoria,
Vancouver's Island, 30th October 1857, which gives a
satisfactory account of the progress of the Colony during the
past year.
I also enclose copy of the Report of the Survey of exploration
through the Cowegin Valley to the West Coast of Vancouver's
Island under the direction of Mr Pemberton, the Colonial
Surveyor referred to in Mr Douglas's letter.
I have the honour to be Sir,
Your most obedient humble
Servant John Shepherd Govr
Draft, Merivale to Shepherd, 8 February 1858, acknowledging receipt
of his letter and enclosures, with thanks.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Douglas to W.G. Smith, Secretary, Hudson's Bay Company, 30 October 1857, providing a detailed report on the status of the
colony over the preceeding year, with statements of accounts
appended (17 pages).