Alex Arthur and Company to Lytton
Canada Agency Office,
135 Buchanan Street,
10 Augt 1858 To the Hon. Sir E.L. Bulwer
It would appear by recent intelligence from Vancouver’s Island that none but the agents of the Hudson Bay Company are at liberty to trade in British and American merchandise at Victoria, and that the goods of those so trading have been confiscated by that Company. Also that a tax of 2 dollars is levied on every person landing at that port, and that besides this sum 5 dollars per month is charged for a licence to dig Manuscript imagefor gold. And that a British Man-of-War is stationed at the mouth of Fraser River to enforce those claims.
As there are many parties proposing to go from this city to British Columbia, it is very desirable that you would define what are the rights of the Hudson Bay Company, in the matter, so that parties proceeding thither may know what is expected of them.
We are
Your obedt. Servts.
Alex Arthur & Co.
Minutes by CO staff
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Mr Merivale
The numerous letters & enquiries we receive from persons desirous of obtaining information respecting V. Couver's Island and British Columbia, with the view of settling there, & the prospect before us of receiving many more such enquiries, makes me think that it wd. be a great convenience to the public if we could draw up, & publish Manuscript imagea digest or resumé, of facts positively known to us; heading it "Information for the use of Settlers in V.C. Island, and British Columbia." If we were to supply the Land Board with the requisite materials they would execute this design perfectly, because they are accustomed to such jobs.
If Sir E. Lytton & you approved this idea, it should be put in hand at once.
This letter might, in such case, be answered that the information asked for by the writer wd be communicated to him shortly.
ABd. 13 Augt.
Sir Edward approves this suggestion, & if you concur he wishes us to put it in hand; which I will see to on Monday, when I return.
Mr Blackwood
Indeed I quite agree; my only fear is, that whoever tries will be beaten by the actual paucity of intelligence. In the mean time I will add, 1. that Capt. James of the Admy is very busily engaged in the same research, 2. that you will find Manuscript imagea very good account of Vancr Id in the last No. of the Geographical Journal—unfortunately not of the opposite coast.
HM Augt 15
Alex Arthur and Company to Lytton, Sir Edward George Earle Bulwer 10 August 1858, CO 6:26, no. 8016, 293. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. James Hendrickson and the Colonial Despatches project. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria.

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