Kernaghan to Lytton
4 Warwick Terrace Belgrave
9 Aug 1858
I would beg to call your attention to the land sales of the Hudson Bay Co's Chief Factors in Victoria V.I. not on behalf of the Crown but of the Co. whose lease will expire next year though they purport to sell for ever.
Enclosed is copy of form.
By advices this Mail Lots were selling at £4000.
I have the honor to be Sir
Your obedt Sert
Wm Kernaghan
To the Rt Hon Sir Edd Bulwer Lytton M.P.
Secretary of State Colonial Office
Minutes by CO staff
Manuscript image
Mr Merivale
I presume the Govt has no right to prevent such sales by the Company whilst the Lease to them of V.Couver's Island lasts. The Company have been very fortunate in the events which have occurred at theManuscript image close of their occupancy in V.C. Island and which have tended to put money into their pockets.
ABd 11 May
There is no doubt of the enormous sales, but there is no doubt also that of the amount realized 10 per cent only belongs to the Company, & 90 per cent must be spent on "colonization" & which, properly managed, ought to form a considerable fund in reduction of the money due onManuscript image settlement of accounts from the Crown for the repurchase of Vanc. The only question is whether it is worth while to let the Company (and Mr Douglas) know that we are aware of the state of things. I am inclined to think it is; & that we had better ask the Co. whether they have any (and what) accounts of recent sales of land.
HM Augt 12
By all means—make Douglas fully aware that the most scrutinizing attention will be given to these doings & call for the accounts of recent sales.
EBL Aug 13
Done. Put by.
Kernaghan, William to Lytton, Sir Edward George Earle Bulwer 9 August 1858, CO 305:9, no. 7940, 619. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. James Hendrickson and the Colonial Despatches project. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria.

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