Godley to Merivale
War Office,
17th August 1858. Immediate
With reference to the correspondence which has passed relative to the Force of Royal Engineers about to be dispatched to New Columbia, I am directed by the Secretary of State for War to transmit to you, for the consideration of Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, the accompanying copy of a letter from the Horse Guards, together with its enclosures, giving a Detail of the proposed Party, and of the Pay and Allowances to be granted to the Officers and Manuscript imagemen.
Major General Peel would recommend that the proposals of the General Commanding in Chief, should be sanctioned and approved, except as regards the Chaplain and Commissariat officer, which appointments Major General Peel does not consider the circumstances under which this Detachment is sent to the Colony, render necessary. The number of Women may be reduced to twenty.
I am also to transmit the accompanying Papers which have been received from the Inspector General of Fortifications, containing suggestions with regard to the Manuscript imageEquipment to be provided for the Detachment, and Sir John Burgoyne has further recommended that a Photographic Apparatus should be added.
Major General Peel requests that you will inform him, at your earliest convenience whether, taking into consideration the nature of the Services on which the men will be employed, Sir E. B. Lytton is of opinion that the Articles of equipment specified in these suggestions, will be required.
I am to take this opportunity of requesting that you will impress on Sir E. B. Lytton that the entire charge connected with this Manuscript imageDetachment, including the Pay of the officers, Non Commissioned officers and men, & the cost of the Store Equipment, must be defrayed from sources other than Army Funds, as this Department has no means from which this extraordinary and unforeseen expenditure can be defrayed.
It is requested that the enclosures in original, may be returned.
I have the honor to be, Sir,
Your obedient Servant
J.R. Godley
H. Merivale Esqre
&c &c &c
Minutes by CO staff
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Sir Ed Lytton
I understood that Sir John Burgoyne & you had settled to send 100 Sappers & Miners instead of 150--& that the pay of the Captains and Subalterns was to be considerably reduced. But I see no mention of these alterations in the List before me.
Understanding that Col. Moody has been directed to wait upon you to morrow at Manuscript imageKnebworth—so at least Sir John Burgoyne informed me yesterday—I have thought it best to send this Letter to you there that you might converse with Colonel Moody on the subject.
In the event of Colonel Moody calling at the office tomorrow, and of your not arriving here by 1.30, I shall send him to Knebworth.
I think we had better immediately write to the War Office approving the allowances fixed upon between you, and Sir J. Burgoyne, & we ought also now to write to the Treasury requesting that arrangements may be made for Manuscript imagedefraying the expenses incidental to the employment of this detachment—adding however that you have every reason to hope and believe that the amount issued will be repaid out of Colonial funds.
ABd. 17 Augt./58
Received these Aug. 21.
C. O [21]
These papers recd today Aug 25 from Lord C. appear to be the papers supposed to be sent to me at Knebwh but which I never recd there, & must have been kept back. They are already met by official arrangements.
Other documents included in the file
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Draft, Merivale to Secretary of State for War, Immediate, 18 August, 1858, requesting that immediate steps be taken to dispatch 1 Lt. Col., 2 Captains, 3 Subalterns and 150 noncommissioned officers and men, and twenty women to British Columbia--the Lt. Col. to receive £1200 besides regimental pay (which should in each case be borne by imperial government), the Captains £350 per annum, and the Subalterns £250, exclusive of regimental pay. The Chaplain and Commissariat officer are to be dispensed with but a medical officer should be included. The equipment list, with certain alterations, is approved. An exact account of expenses should be kept, "it being intended that the new Colony shall ultimately defray the entire cost of its establishment." Treasury is being asked to advance funds to cover expenses temporarily. Moody has requested that one serjeant, one corporal of Cavalry, and one corporal of Artillery be added to the detachment, and Lytton approves.
Documents enclosed with the main document (transcribed)
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Draft, Merivale to Moody, 23 August 1858, as follows:
D Street
23d Aug 1858
As you have been selected for the office of Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works in British Columbia, Sir E. Lytton considers it desirable to place on record the arrangement which has been settled on your Manuscript imageacceptance of the appointment. It is to be distinctly understood
1st That the Governor is the Supreme authority in the Colony. That you will concert with him, and take his orders as to the spots in the Colony to which your attention as to Surveys &c should be immediately and principally directed. Manuscript imageThat you will advise and render him all the assistance in your power in the difficult situation in which it is probably that he will be placed for some time.
2. The Governor will be instructed to regard your duties as special, and that they are not on any account to be interfered with, except under circumstances Manuscript imageof the gravest necessity, so that all possible conflict of duties may be avoided. On this point Sir Edward feels persuaded that your character, and your Colonial Experience are sufficient guarantees against any discordance with the Governor.
3. The Governor will be authorized to draw upon the Lords Commrs Manuscript imageof the Treasury for the payment of the expenses attending the surveying party under your orders if he should have no funds immediately at hand in the Colony for that purpose. You will therefore, address your requisitions for money to him if it should be necessary. At the same time it is well to understand that Manuscript imageHer Majestys Government count on the immediate raising of large revenues from the Land Sales and other resources of the Colony, sufficient to defray from the outset the expenses of the survey and of all other except the Salary of the Governor. And you will afford the Governor though without shackling his discretion Manuscript imagethe benefit of your talents and experience in any suggestions for ensuring at the earliest period this paramount object.
4. The rates of pay and allowances which have been settled for officers and men are as follows
Officers Officers Regimental Pay per annum Colonial Allowance Total
1 Chief Commr of Lands & Works Col Moody Col RE £330 £1200 £1530
1 Captain £202 £350 £552
1 2d Captain £202 £350 £552
1 3rd 2nd Captain £202 £350 £552
2 Subalterns (each) £125 £250 £375
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Non Commissioned Officers and Sappers Reg Pay per diem Working pay per diem Total
1 Color Sergeant & Acting Sergeant Major 3.10½ 3s to 5s 6.10½ to 8.10½
1 Sergeant and Acting Quarter Master 3.4½ 3s to 5s 6.4½ to 8.4½
7 Sergeants (each) 2.10½ 3s to 5s 5.10½ to 7.10½
8 1st Corporals 2.2½ 3s to 5s 3.2½ to 6.2½
8 2d Corporals 1.10¾ 1s to 4s 2.10¾ to 5.10¾
2 Buglers 123 Sappers 1.2½ 1s to 4s 2.2½ to 5.2½
5. It is agreed that you shall remain in the colony one year from the date of your arrival, and that you will not quit it unless Manuscript imageyou are satisfied that the Officer you leave in charge is fully competent to the work before him, and that the public service is not prejudiced by your return to England. Should you desire to stay longer for the execution of works in which you are actively engaged and to which you consider your presence essential you will Manuscript imagecommunicate that wish to HM'S Government. You will make it your care to furnish this department from time to time with full reports of the various resources and capabilities of the Colony, according to the information which the exercise of your functions will necessarily give you and with a Manuscript imageview to the development of the social and industrial prosperity and welfare of the Colony; its mines, its fisheries, the quality of its coal, the nature of the soil, the maritime approaches to the Colony, if held distinct from the Island.
These reports will be sent to this department through the Governor.
I am &c
H. Merivale
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
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1. Copy, Godley to Merivale, 17 August 1858 (letter above) with its enclosures.
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1.1 C. Yorke, Horse Guards, to Under Secretary, War Office, 12 August 1858, enclosing 1.1 below.
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1.1 J.W. Gordon to Military Secretary, Horse Guards, 11 August 1858, forwarding return of the detailed force of 150 men recommended for British Columbia, along with their rates of pay and allowances.
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1.2 Minute from JFB to H.K. Storks, 14 August 1858, enclosing a Report from Lt. Col. Henry James detailing the recommended equipment
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2. Duplicate of schedules attached to James' Report, with proposed alterations This is a duplicate of the List in 8382 N.A., which has been lost for a while.
Minutes by CO staff
I sent over this with Capn Grant and Sir E.B.L.
Godley, John Robert to Merivale, Herman 17 August 1858, CO 6:26, no. 8382, 108. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. James Hendrickson and the Colonial Despatches project. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria. https://bcgenesis.uvic.ca/V585WO04.html.

Last modified: 2020-03-30 13:22:16 -0700 (Mon, 30 Mar 2020) (SVN revision: 4193)