A circumstance in connection with my reply to the charge made against me has occurred
to my mind since my handing in that reply to the Colonial office this day, vizt that
the charge in itself conveys the impression that I did not leave the Colony with credit
to myself, nor

(from that inference) with the good wishes of the inhabitants. To prove to the contrary
I beg respectfully to state that I do firmly believe that the
Govr Mr Douglas together with the other members of the Board of Management, made their plans subservient
to my convenience & so arranged to send their vessel, the Steamer "
Otter", to "
Sanfrancisco" as to afford me with my family a safe passage to that Port. In conclusion I may
say that all the respectable part of

the community were present to take leave, & as a further proof of this statement I
beg to hand in a note received from
Mr Douglas conveying to me, as by arrangement, the decision of the Board to send the vessel
alluded to, to
San frisco on the day mentioned.