Irving to Secretary of State
Blenheim House, Lea
Aug 10th 1858
My Lord,
Being desirous of purchasing land in the vicinity of
Victoria in
Vancouvers Island, I should esteem the favor of some
information as to the price per acre—at which it may now be
I have the honor to remain
My Lord
Your Lordship's Most obedient Humble Servant
John Irving
Right Honble
Secretary of State for the Colonies
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Merivale
r, I suppose, that H.M.
Govt are not in possession of any
sufficiently exact information which they c
d safely impart to
him for his

guidance in this matter.
Simply refer his letter to the HBC who own the land. Annex
Other documents included in the file
Carnarvon to
H.H. Berens, Hudson's Bay Company,
21 August 1858, forwarding copy of the letter for attention.