Rockwood Kingston
Canada West
Apl 12th 1858
My Lord,
As an an old Elector of South Lancaster—a resident of
[Walton?] near [Kingston?], and as one who knew the late
Earl of Derby, I hope I may be pardoned for
addressing your Lordship.
I have for a long period of years taken a deep interest in
the reformatory movements of the age, as many of the
eminent friends with whom you have acted at home will
testify, and feel extremely anxious if the Colonization under
the Imperial Government of
Vancouvers Island or the
Red River
Territory should take place to be allowed to transfer my
services there.
I have for three years filled the office of Medical
Superintendent of Criminal Insane
in connection with the Provincial Penitentiary, and also held
the Professorship of Forensic and State Medicine in the
University of Queen's College in this city.
If the colonization of new territory in British North America
should take place and the appointment of a Stipendiary
Magistrate, or Protector of [illegible] or of a gentleman to
undertake both duties, should be decided upon [and] your
Lordship should be pleased [on] persual of my papers to think me
qualified for Service in the new territory, I should feel very
grateful for the preference.
I take the liberty of enclosing old printed papers in reference
to the pursuits with which I have been occupied and also an M.S.
copy of a memorial recently addressed to
H.E. Sir Edmund Head
recommending me as one of a Commission about to be organized to
superintend and [erect?]
the Penal and Reformatory institutions of Canada.
I believe I may add that any nomination in reference to the

would be very acceptable to the
philanthropic men, who recently had an interview with you as
representing the Aborigines Protection Society.
I have a great desire to take service in the new territory, if
it should be hereafter organized and would cheerfully resign any
prospects I have in Canada and the advantages and comforts of
her civilization, if there is any post in which your Lordship
should think my services available, beyond the present limits of
Canadian territory.
Before entering upon my present charge I edited the "Montreal
Pilot" previously in the editorial charge of
Mr Hincks now
Governor of [BW Indies?].
I have kept up my connection with the press from a period when
the previous
Lord Stanley (of [Brikenstaffe?] was Colonial
Minister, and whether in England or in the Colonies, have always
done the little I could, to sustain and strengthen the hands of
those who labored so wisely and so well for the public good.
I trust my Lord, this may be a sufficient apology for addressing
you from Canada. I recollect your coming of age in [Larenition?]
and the high hopes, which much to [cut off microfilm] and which
have been so well [borne?] out and I have not hesitated
with Canadian presses to which I have access, to endeavour to do
justice [to] your character, and gain [confidence?]
to your Administration. I have taken the liberty of forwarding
some Canadian papers, and am with most [illegible] respect,
Other documents included in the file
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Memorial to Governor General of Canada,
13 [December?] 1857,
Litchfield "as a member and as secretary of the
General Commission of Inspectors of our penal and reformatory
Institutions," approximately 90 signatures.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Merivale
It would be proper, I presume, to answer that
Lord Stanley has
duly received
Dr Litchfields Letter, but that his Lordship does
not at present see any opening in B.N.A. for the employment of
r L
d in the Government Service?
(If any portion of

the H. Bay Co's Territory is handed over to
Canada it will be for the Authorities of that Country to appoint
to Offices in the added part & if
VanCouver's Island is made a
Government Settlement it would be undesirable to encourage yet
awhile expectations as to the formation of a Civil Establishment there.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
"Testimonials given to
Dr. Litchfield, at the time of his
Election as Physician to the Westminster General Dispensary,"
various dates (1834-35).
"Testimonials given to
Dr. Litchfield, when a Candidate for
the Office of Physician-Superintendent to the Middlesex Lunatic
Asylum at Hanwell, near
London," the last testimonial dated
April 1853 (the others not dated).